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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Aber das muss ich noch los werden. McConnell hat gerade gesagt, dass es einen regulären Impeachment-Prozess vor dem Senat geben wird.

Keine Zehnminuten-Abstimmung.



42 Min.Vor 42 Minuten
Dem Source on WH meeting:

"POTUS cut Schumer off and said that Gen Mattis was: "the world's most overrated general. You know why? He wasn't tough enough. I captured ISIS. Mattis said it would take 2 yrs. I captured them in 1 month""



Den entgeisterten Blick der Übersetzerin kenne ich aus dem Video, in dem Trump sagt, ihm ist es nur recht, wenn Russland in Syrien hilft und Syrien mit einem groooßen Sandkasten vergleicht (ab ca 48 sec):

Da sagt er vorher auch, dass die PKK wahrscheinlich eine schlimmere terroristische Vereinigung ist als der (sogenannte) IS.


Vielleicht braucht sie einfach nur den Trump-Übersetzer-Kurs von der Daily Show.   ;D


Zitat von: Peiresc am 16. Oktober 2019, 20:19:48
ZitatNoga Tarnopolsky
—> Trump is slurring badly, couldn't pronounce "reception." Then said US-Italy ties go back to ancient Rome.
Ja, aber das war damals, als die Amis auf Dinosauriern über die Alpen gezogen sind.

Daniel Dale meint:
ZitatPeople are wrongly describing this statement to mock it. Trump said the two countries have a shared political-cultural heritage that dates to Ancient Rome, not that there were actual ties between two actual countries as far back as Ancient Rome.
Ich habe mir den Clip angehört. Es war eine abgelesene Rede. Daniel Dale hat recht.


Elijah Cummings ist plötzlich gestorben. Ein schrecklicher Verlust, in dieser entscheidenden Phase, in der die Demokratie Amerikas um ihr Überleben kämpft.


Die Republikaner sind weiter eifrig dabei, Abstimmungen zum Impeachment erzwingen zu wollen. So wie sie 40x gegen Obamacare abgestimmt haben – solange keine Gefahr bestand, dass sie durchkommen.

Graham will einen Brief gegen das Impeachment schreiben, um die unsicheren Kandidaten an seiner Seite festzunageln.

Zitat von: Chuck Schumer"Sen. Graham said that he was trying to organize a letter of Senate Republicans promising they would not vote to convict the president — before the House even completes its inquiry, before any Articles of Impeachment are even drafted, let alone voted on, before a scrap of evidence was considered in a Senate trial, if that comes to it," Schumer said from the Senate floor.

"Senator Graham seems to be advocating 'Alice in Wonderland' justice. First the verdict, then the trial. I hope he'll rethink that," he added.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 28. Juni 2019, 06:49:27Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten ist beschuldigt, ein 13jähriges Mädchen gefesselt und vergewaltigt zu haben. Die Anklage(n) sind schon etwas älter. Ich habe keinen Überblick, in welchem Stadium die Prozesse sind.

Hier die Antwort.
ZitatIn November 2016, just days before the presidential election, Bloom [Lisa Bloom, a power attorney who agreed to represent Jane Doe] suddenly announced a press conference with Jane Doe had been canceled, saying Doe had become frightened after receiving death threats. Two days later, Doe's lead attorney, Thomas Meager, filed to dismiss the case. Jane Doe has not been heard from since.

Speaking to Newsweek Tuesday, Bloom said that while the Enquirer editor "did tell me he thought Jane Doe lacked credibility ... that wasn't the reason she asked her other attorney to drop her case."

"After we received numerous death threats and my law firm's website and emails were hacked, she did not want to go forward," Bloom added.

Bloom also said that she did not enter any agreements with AMI on Doe's behalf. "I represented Ms. Doe for free and there was never any discussion of money or settlement as I strongly believed her allegations should be made public given that Donald Trump was running for president at that time."


Noch abgesehen davon, dass er den mit Sicherheit vertraulichen Brief eines Verbündeten, der schwer unter Druck steht, mal eben an dessen Feind - umstandslos, und um sich lieb Kind bei letzterem zu machen - ausgeliefert hat.


ZitatKyle Cheney:
NEWS: Gordon SONDLAND will break sharply from Trump during his testimony today, criticizing the decision to run Ukraine policy through GIULIANI and saying military aid to Ukraine should not have been withheld for any reason.
Rette sich wer kann.


ZitatDonald Trump's mixture of threats and locker-room banter infuriated Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His staff told the BBC that he threw the letter into the bin and launched the Syrian operation the same day. That could be proof there was no Trumpian green light.

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit ihrem Präsidenten, auf der ganzen Welt geachtet, geliebt und gefürchtet. Übrigens gibt es indirekte, vage Anzeichen dafür, dass auch Kim allmählich die Geduld mit dem Gröfatzke verliert. Trump wird wohl ein paar Sanktionen lockern und ein paar Truppen aus Ostasien abziehen müssen, wenn er wieder Gnade finden will.


Zitat von: Daggi am 16. Oktober 2019, 22:45:09
42 Min.Vor 42 Minuten
Dem Source on WH meeting:

"POTUS cut Schumer off and said that Gen Mattis was: "the world's most overrated general. You know why? He wasn't tough enough. I captured ISIS. Mattis said it would take 2 yrs. I captured them in 1 month""

Hier noch ein bisschen mehr Zusammenhang:
ZitatMs Pelosi is then said to have mentioned the House vote and Democratic leader Chuck Schumer began to read the president a quote from former Defence Secretary James Mattis on the need to keep US troops in Syria to prevent a resurgence of the so-called Islamic State group, known as IS or Isis.

According to US media, Mr Trump cut Mr Schumer off, complaining that Mr Mattis was "the world's most overrated general".

As the meeting went on, the president is said to have told Ms Pelosi: "I hate Isis more than you do."

When asked by Mr Schumer if his plan was to rely on the Syrians and the Turks, the president said the plan was "to keep the American people safe". Ms Pelosi reportedly told him that this was a goal, not a plan.

Mr Schumer has said the president then called Ms Pelosi a "third-rate" politician. (She later said it was "third-grade".)

At that point, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer reportedly interjected, telling the president that such insults were "not useful".

The Democratic leaders then left the meeting early.


Unsere tägliche Dosis Korruption/Betrug gib uns heute. Diesmal wieder ein vergleichsweise mäßig großer Happen, dafür aber vor aller Welt:
ZitatWhite House selects Trump's Doral resort as site of next G-7 summit


ZitatBREAKING: Trump's chief of staff says the president "absolutely" mentioned to him that "corruption related to the DNC server" was part of the reason "why we held up the money"
Mulvaney hat in einem Atemzug gesagt, natürlich haben wir die Militärhilfe für die Ukraine zurückgehalten, um den ,,DNC-Server" zu kriegen (d. h. eine Verschwörungstheorie zu befeuern, um Biden abzuservieren), und natürlich ist das Trump-Anwesen die beste Wahl für den nächsten Gipfel. Gewöhnt Euch dran, ihr Jammerlappen! (Get over it).

Bis eben noch war die ,,Strategie" zu behaupten, es habe kein ,,quid pro quo" gegeben.

ZitatSeth Cotlar:
So the GOP strategy today seems to be "burn it all to the ground." They'll admit to all the crimes, brazenly do all of the corruption, unapologetically sell out our allies and trust that enough of the American people will simply not care.