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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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ZitatSen. Patrick Leahy:

Worum geht's?
ZitatAlert: The president said a couple minutes ago, "We're building a wall in Colorado. We're building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works."

Neben dem Bildungsniveau des Stallgenies (das ist jetzt keine Überraschung) offenbart die Angelegenheit noch etwas anderes: Die Realität oder die Details eines Mauerbaus interessieren den Gröfatzke keine Sekunde. Seine Intention ist 100% Propaganda, 0% Substanz. Bombenteppichmuster.


Aber bei all dem, das übrige Leben stirbt ja nicht ab. Unsere tägliche Dosis Korruption gib uns heute:
ZitatThe Trump administration confesses it has violated its own ethics pledge — multiple times
Es werden dutzende Fälle in verschiedenen Ministerien angerissen. Es wird schon nichts passieren:
Zitat"The White House Counsel's office has taken the lead in making excuses for ethics violations," said Kathleen Clark, a professor specializing in legal ethics at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. "There's examples of the White House refusing to impose any sanction for officials found to have committed violations. They're setting quite the example."


ZitatHugh Hewitt:
Resolution by @senatemajldr and @LindseyGrahamSC is very important. If it passes it will be evidence for @realDonaldTrump "Senate trial team" to argue to the Senate the equivalent of "prosecutorial misconduct," perhaps even to allow @POTUS team to question @AdamSchiff, others.

Ronald Klain
I've seen a lot of crazy, stupid political strategies in 30 years in DC.  But the GOP "demand" that impeachment evidence be unspooled in public is the most short-sighted and self-defeating argument ever.  I cannot wait to see what they say when the public hearings begin!

Aber so aufregend wird das auch wieder nicht sein. Sie werden ,,Alles Lüge!" (fake), ,,menschlicher Abschaum" (human scum), ,,Hexenjagd" (witch hunt) schreien. Sie haben null problemo damit, in einem Satz das eine zu behaupten und im darauf folgenden das genaue Gegenteil davon. Warum sollte ihnen das schwerfallen, wenn dazwischen ein ganzer Monat liegt?

Und wichtiger: es bleibt natürlich nicht beim Geschrei. Das Justizministerium unter dem Justizminister William Barr hat inzwischen die förmliche Untersuchung über die "Ursprünge" der Russland-Untersuchung begonnen, die von Präsident Trump öffentlich angekündigt worden war.


Republican senators fear President Trump and their party are losing the public opinion fight over impeachment.
Warum fürchten sie das? Ist es besser für Amerika, wenn dieser Präsident seine offene Missachtung der Verfassung, seinen Kurs auf eine Diktatur fortsetzt?

Zitat"Does he need to be so unhinged? He says the dumbest things," said one Republican senator who vented frustration with the president's outbursts on Twitter and in front of the White House press corps.
Wie naiv kann man sein? Haben die die letzten 3 Jahre geschlafen? He needs it.

Um es krass auszudrücken, mit den Worten einer prominenten Trumpistin: Hitler war völlig okay, er hätte bloß im Lande bleiben sollen, d. h. ein wenig vernünftiger.


Unsere tägliche Dosis Korruption gib uns heute:
ZitatExclusive: Company with ties to Trump's brother Robert awarded $33 million government contract
Mehr Einzelheiten für die WaPo-Leser mit erschöpftem Kontingent z. B. hier

Unsere zweite Dosis tägliche Korruption gib uns heute:
ZitatAll told, officials from at least 29 different foreign countries have stopped by or stayed at the U.S. president's D.C. hotel since opening, a number I arrived at through my reporting combined with that of other outlets. And the money coming from those guests is a lot harder to track than the money coming from U.S. lawmakers.
Ein Haufen Details dabei.


ZitatJohn Kelly says he warned Trump before he left: "Whatever you do, don't hire a 'yes man,' someone who won't tell you the truth — don't do that. Because if you do, I believe you will be impeached."
Der ärmste Präsident, so allein. Wir wollten ihn ja retten, aber er wollte sich nicht helfen lassen. Kellyanne, was meinen Sie? Kellyanne ist grad auf Tauchstation. Dafür ist aber Stephanie Grisham, die Nachfolgerin von Sarah Huckabee Sanders, zur Stelle:
ZitatWhite House response to John Kelly, via Stephanie Grisham: "I worked with John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President."
Die Schraube ist überdreht: von der Arroganz ist nur noch die Lächerlichkeit übrig geblieben.
ZitatWalter Shaub:
"genius"? Grisham doesn't think Trump is stable?

Asha Rangappa bringt Kellys Klage majestätisch auf den Punkt.
ZitatIs anyone else tired of the self-appointed saviors of this admin, who use Trump's incompetence as evidence how important and indispensable they are? If POTUS needs a babysitter to avoid committing high crimes and misdemeanors, it means he's unfit to be there in the first place.

Scipio 2.0

Hab gerade ein mit offenen Karten zu Donald Trump gefunden:

Laut Kommentare alles Propaganda.


Ein Trump-Hasser.

ZitatI am Walt's untempered rage.

I absolutely hate this corruption, the human rights abuses, and the debasement of our highest office. I despise the betrayal of our values, our allies and our republic itself. I hate the frivolity and careless lies of these unqualified hate-mongers and their craven enablers.

I hate their war-making on our republic, on government ethics, on decency, and on everything I call America. I hate their literal war-making and the death-dealing they do for financial gain and political advantage and sometimes out of their blundering ineptitude.

I hate all their lies and profiteering, the equivocating of their enablers, and all the lies they pile atop their lies. I hate their cynicism, their stoking the fires of bigotry, and the sycophancy that spills sloppily out of their cartoonishly bad replacement appointees.

I hate that they claim to love "America" but love only a place bounded by lines on a map and an increasingly militarized network of human guards, instead of the principles, values and aspirations that make this no mere place but an ideal to be pursued even if not always reached.

I hate that they hate the America of dreams, principles, ideals, people from all places, freedom, aspirations and values that we once preached to the rest of the world as we called them to join us in pursuit of democracy. I hate that they hate the America I love.

I hate their attacks on the norms of this nation's government. I hate their efforts to stamp out what gains had been made toward the goal of freedom and equality. I hate that the West's experiment in democracy is imperiled by a global wave of authoritarianism.

I hate that, for the first time in our history, we have to wonder if the President will leave office peacefully if he loses or his term expires. I hate that his Saturday Night Attorney General is using the criminal apparatus of the state to investigate those who investigated him.

I hate that they refuse to secure our elections and that they're fine with the President of the United States soliciting foreign attacks on the one thing that makes us a republic—our election. I hate they they don't care that, in at least one case, he backed it up with extortion.

I hate all of this, and I am angrier than I have ever been in my life. I hope you are too. Tonight I will fume, tomorrow too. Monday we get back to fighting this attack on America.

Walter Shaub

Und zu Kelly (#5001) hat er noch:
John Kelly advocated "deterrence" through cruelty.
John Kelly supported the cruelty policy.
John Kelly cashed in on that policy when he left govt.
John Kelly joined the board of Caliburn.
John Kelly's Caliburn ran concentration camps.
John Kelly, shut up.


ZitatLock him up

Und das an dem Tag, an dem er den so bitter nötigen Propaganda-Erfolg hätte landen können (wenn es ihm gelungen wäre, mit präsidialer Feierlichkeit, oder auch nur wie jeder normale Mensch, über al-Baghdadi zu sprechen).

Im Publikum wurde erstaunt registriert, dass dies die erste Gelegenheit seit 3 Jahren gewesen ist, in der der Präsident einem nicht handverlesenem Publikum ausgesetzt war.


Unsere tägliche Dosis Korruption gib uns heute.
ZitatThe Intercept reported that the National Republican Senatorial Committee will host a "Save the Senate" retreat for Republican Senators and candidates on November 7th and November 8th at Trump Hotel in Washington, DC. According to the invitation, the president himself will attend, along with at least eight Republican Senators. The invitation says that the event is not a fundraiser but an event for existing large donors, though it appears that at least the Trump Hotel will be making money in connection with the event?—and therefore so will the president.
This is also not even close to the first time that members of Congress have helped pad Trump's bottom line by patronizing his properties. In fact, CREW has tracked 98 members of Congress who have visited a Trump business. Some have been frequent visitors, like Senator Lindsey Graham who has paid 17 visits, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy with 11, and Senator Rand Paul with 11.


Unsere zweite Dosis tägliche Korruption gib uns heute.
ZitatPresident Trump has another concerning conflict of interest: his Indonesian business partner's daughter just became Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for the Indonesian government.

Unsere dritte Dosis tägliche Korruption gib uns heute.
ZitatThe mystery of who's funding Steve Bannon's work has been at least partly solved: Guo Media, a company linked to a controversial Chinese billionaire, has contracted Bannon for at least $1 million for "strategic consulting services," according to contracts obtained by Axios.

Why it matters: The billionaire fugitive — a man named Guo Wengui, also known as Miles Kwok — is embroiled in the U.S.-China conflict. He's a vocal critic of the Chinese Communist Party and is reportedly a member at Mar-a-Lago. He's on China's most-wanted list for alleged bribery, fraud and money laundering, per the New York Times (he strongly denies the allegations).

ZitatDuring a recent interview with MSNBC's Laurence O'Donnell, psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes described Trump's overall mental condition as a "psychotic-like state."
Wenn er sich nur auf das öffentlich zugängliche Material stützt (und was anderes ist eher nicht wahrscheinlich), dann versteht man, warum es die "Goldwater Rule" gibt. Ein "psychoseartiger Zustand" ist im übrigen keine Diagnose, obwohl es wie eine klingt.

Wie kommt er dazu, ich meine, wie kommt der Psychiater dazu, sich so aus dem Fenster zu lehnen?
ZitatDodes, formerly an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (retired) and now a training and supervising analyst emeritus at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Achso, er ist Psychoanalytiker. Im Welterklären waren sie immer groß.

Ansonsten enthält der Artikel noch einige zweifellos treffende Beobachtungen.


Pelosi hat diese Abstimmung jetzt angekündigt. Jim Jordan schäumt über vor Freude:


ZitatI have dedicated my entire professional life to the United States of America. For
more than two decades, it has been my honor to serve as an officer in the United
States Army. As an infantry officer, I served multiple overseas tours, including
South Korea and Germany, and a deployment to Iraq for combat operations. In
Iraq, I was wounded in an IED attack and awarded a Purple Heart.
Since 2008, I have been a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this role, I
have served in the United States' embassies in Kiev, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia.
In Washington, D.C., I was a politico-military affairs officer for Russia for the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs where I authored the principle strategy for managing
competition with Russia. In July 2018, I was asked to serve at the National Security
The privilege of serving my country is not only rooted in my military service, but
also in my personal history. I sit here, as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States
Army, an immigrant. My family fled the Soviet Union when I was three and a half
years old. Upon arriving in New York City in 1979, my father worked multiple jobs
to support us, all the while learning English at night. He stressed to us the
importance of fully integrating into our adopted country. For many years, life was
quite difficult. In spite of our challenging beginnings, my family worked to build its
own American dream. I have a deep appreciation for American values and ideals
and the power of freedom. I am a patriot, and it is my sacred duty and honor to
advance and defend OUR country, irrespective of party or politics

Es ist völlig klar und geht aus dieser Stellungnahme hervor: er ist ein ukrainischer Spion!!!
Die Trumpanzees auf Fox haben das glasklar diagnostiziert. Kein Zweifel möglich.


ZitatUnfollow Trump

Nervous Nancy Pelosi is doing everything possible to destroy the Republican Party. Our Polls show that it is going to be just the oppidite. The Do Nothing Dems will lose many seats in 2020. They have a Death Wish, led by a corrupt politician, Adam Schiff!
Ein genialer Sprachschöpfer. Noch ein bissel üben, Herr Präsident?


Schreiben ist halt nicht so sein Ding. Dafür kann er prima Reden halten.

Kimmel: "We mashed up @BarackObama's Bin Laden speech with @RealDonaldTrump's al-Baghdadi speech, and the results are amazing"