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Begonnen von fenkt, 16. Januar 2012, 21:34:03

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Es genügt nicht, keine Ahnung zu haben. Man muss auch dagegen sein (Hermann Hinsch)


Zitat von: Nogro am 10. Mai 2013, 15:07:02
Ist Butzwasser  ( eigentlich vegan?
Vom Preis her schon... :hirn:

Hier das Interview fand ich ganz interessant/witzig:
ZitatStatistik-Professor kritisiert Demografie-Prognosen
"Da wird massiv Angst geschürt"

Beim heutigen Demografie-Gipfel ist die "Überalterung" ein Thema. Aber ist sie wirklich ein Problem? Nein, sagt Statistiker Bosbach im Viele Gruppen hätten Interesse, hier gezielt Angst zu schüren - und Langfrist-Prognosen seien ohnehin abstrus.
Es gibt so viele Dinge im Leben, die wichtiger sind als Geld... aber sie kosten so viel! Groucho Marx


Wenn es nicht Absicht ist, ist es doch System.
Dr. Ici Wenn selig


Offizieller Sprecher des gemäßigten Flügels der Psiram-Jugend


Heute beim blog-Durchlauf wurde reiche Ernte eingefahren:

Thematisch passend zu dem unerwarteten Aufmacher von gestern ein ziemlich starkes Kurzportrait eines etwas älteren Ehepaares. Mal schauen, ob es dazu mehr Info gibt.. Oh: Via kotzendes Einhorn.

Eine interessant klingende, allerdings schon einige Jahre alte Spekulation über koexistente andere Lebensformen hier auf Erden - ViaKette: skeptator(aggr), brightsblog(aggr), Zeit online, paper(pdf).

Wie die Mausbibliothek, allerdings in englisch: 1001-How-Its-Made, entgegen seines Namens noch nicht mal bei der Hälfte. Via des Kraftfuttermischwerks, das entgegen seines Namens wegen Datenbank-Fäule ganz woanders ist. btw: Das mit dem jahrelangen Fermentieren war mir bekannt, wieviele Jahre genau hätte ich aber erwürfeln müssen.
Mal abschätzen: Aktuell 482 clips á ziemlich genau 5' macht ziemlich genau 40h -- dann werde ich doch erst mal einen Kaffee ansetzen...
ne schöne jrooß, gesine2


Eine neue Beuys-Biografie arbeitet heraus, dass dieser von der Anthroposophie geradezu besessen war und sich für eine Art Stellvertreter Steiners auf Erden hielt. Er nahm auch Eurhythmie-Unterricht, um seinen Namen tanzen zu können.
Hier ein Interview mit dem Autor Hans-Peter Riegel:

Noch ein Zitat, das ich interessant fand:
ZitatFett, das für Beuys vielleicht wichtigste Material, war für Steiner von "Geistern der Bewegung" in die Welt gebracht worden. Steiner deutete diese Bewegung als paraphysikalisches Phänomen, bei dem Wärme erzeugt wird. Und Beuys folgte ihm im Wortsinn exakt.


Mal wieder etwas, wobei man heftigste Wut bekommen kann:

ZitatFake and Unethical Trial: Video Claims Miracle Mineral Solution Cures Malaria

Pseudo Science, Quackery

by Pepijn   

A YouTube video being spread on the Internet in four different languages, claims that a successful trial has been conducted using Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as a cure for malaria. The trial allegedly has been organized in cooperation with the Ugandan Red Cross Society and the Water Reference Center, in Uganda, December last year. MMS is a well known quack product of which dangerous people claim it can cure diseases like cancer, HIV, hepatitis, avian flue and also malaria....
Man kann das Pferd zum Wasser führen, aber nicht machen, dass es trinkt.



Zitat von: Conina am 23. Mai 2013, 08:42:28
Mal wieder etwas, wobei man heftigste Wut bekommen kann:

ZitatFake and Unethical Trial: Video Claims Miracle Mineral Solution Cures Malaria

Pseudo Science, Quackery

by Pepijn   

A YouTube video being spread on the Internet in four different languages, claims that a successful trial has been conducted using Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as a cure for malaria. The trial allegedly has been organized in cooperation with the Ugandan Red Cross Society and the Water Reference Center, in Uganda, December last year. MMS is a well known quack product of which dangerous people claim it can cure diseases like cancer, HIV, hepatitis, avian flue and also malaria....
ZitatThe first test they use to determine if the person has malaria is a 'quick test', which looks for the presence of antibodies against malaria. It is quite useless in malaria endemic areas, because people are likely to have been infected by malaria more than once and the antibodies will reside in their body for quite a while after infection has been overcome. A positive quick test doesn't mean that the person was actually infected with malaria parasites on that moment! More info about these tests and their limitations can be found here.
The only proper way to determine whether someone is infected, is to take a blood slide and count parasites under a microscope. My guess is that they only did this proper test on the second day. So all 'false positives' quick tests were found to be true negatives for malaria the following day. Only a couple of people may have been infected with a few parasites and had to be tested another day to fall below the threshold. If there really was a proper check of the positive quick tests on the first day, then why don't they mention the number of false positives?

Ich habe mir das alles noch nicht näher angesehen, aber der zitierte Text reicht schon aus, um wütend zu werden!
Schon vor ca 20 Jahren gab es Firmen, die versuchten, den obligaten (!) Blutausstrich durch einen IgG- bzw IgM-Test zu ersetzen - völliger Blödsinn!
Und jetzt so ein Schnelltest, der - wenns gut geht - Informationen über den Durchseuchungsgrad liefert, aber nichts über den aktuellen Befall eines Patienten mit Plasmodien aussagen kann, als Grundlage für diesen Quack-"Feldversuch"  ... das ist wirklich abartig und hochgradig zynisch!

Die Frage
ZitatWho sponsored this 'trial'?
lässt sich somit ausweiten auf:

"Who donated the 'Quick Test' ?"

Rapid diagnostic tests

Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria offer the potential to extend accurate malaria diagnosis to areas when microscopy services are not available such as in remote locations or after regular laboratory hours. Rapid malaria diagnostic tests have been developed in the lateral flow format. These tests use finger-stick or venous blood, take only 10 to 15 minutes, and do not require a laboratory. Even non-clinical staff can easily learn to perform the test and interpret the results.

Malaria RDTs rely on the detection of parasite specific antigens (proteins) circulating in the bloodstream. The most common antigens for RDTs are P. Falciparum histidine-rich Protein-2(pfHRP2) and Plasmodium spp. lactose dehydrogenase (pLDH). Tests based on the pfHRP2 antigen are specific to P. falciparum, the most dangerous species of malaria, and are more readily available and less expensive. Tests based on pLDH come in two varieties:  pan-malarial tests which detect all malaria species, or species specific tests that detect malaria species other than P. falciparum. Pan-malarial tests are also available which detect the Aldolase antigen.

Some malaria treatment programs require testing of patients after treatment to confirm that parasites have been cleared. RDTs based on pfHRP2 are not suitable for this purpose as the pfHRP2 antigen remains in the bloodstream long after parasite clearance. RDTs based on pLDH are suitable for treatment monitoring.
Insofern müsste man wissen, welcher Test in diesem Fall tatsächlich zum Einsatz kam.
With magic, you start with a frog and end up with a prince.
With science, you start with a frog, get a PhD and are still left with the frog you started with...

Terry Pratchett


ZitatInsofern müsste man wissen, welcher Test in diesem Fall tatsächlich zum Einsatz kam.
Im Video ab ca 3:12

Ich finde da einiges ungewöhnlich - der zuletzt gezeigte Test (bei 3:21 "Mehrfachinfektion") hat im Gegensatz zu den vorher gezeigten eine deutliche rote Beschriftung: "Maleriscan" - das Bild könnte auch reingeschnitten sein...
With magic, you start with a frog and end up with a prince.
With science, you start with a frog, get a PhD and are still left with the frog you started with...

Terry Pratchett


Und diese "Frohe Botschaft" soll jetzt schnell auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet werden, denn das Rote Kreuz schläft seit mehreren Monaten - trotz dieses sensationellen Durchbruchs!!
...The greatest cause of poverty in Africa is malaria.  The millions of sick people are needed to work in the fields.  Without malaria poverty will be almost non-existent.  Imagine if there were 80 million people sick with malaria in the US.  We could easily soon have the same poverty rampant in America.  So we need to save those lives.

But to save lives we need your help: We must get this information out to the world. If you never help ever again, this time humanity needs your help. Mankind must know about this development. This is one time that what you personally do will have a direct effect on saving lives, not theoretically, actually. It is so important that we get this information to our friends, magazines, newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, web radio stations, and government officials such as Mayors and Governors because thousands of lives depend upon it...

...But the real question is, WHAT IS THE RED CROSS GOING TO DO?

I'm not going to say a lot right now because we want to give the Red Cross time to do the "right thing."

Let me ask you again but a little more to the point. Please, please, send this NEWSLETTER out to as many people as you can. This is one of those few times that what you do will make a difference. No matter who you are or where you are, if you will send out this newsletter to friends and just anyone, the chances are 99% that you will affect at least one life in Africa. They could be saved and that would be at least one person who no longer need suffer. And chances are very high it would be a lot more. And maybe, just maybe, the letter you send out will go to the right person and it will cause a million lives to be saved.

Please understand. Right now we are dealing in human lives. This NEWSLETTER is dealing in lives. What you do now will determine how many live and how many die. And I mean you. Of course, I know there are thousands of others besides you, but you will still have a direct effect. I am not begging for a few dollars, or a couple of dimes. I am asking you for someone's life that will cost you only a few moments of your time. THE RED CROSS HAS HAD THE ANSWER TO SAVING THOSE LIVES FOR 5 MONTHS NOW AND NOT A SINGLE LIFE SAVED SINCE THE TESTING. If enough people learn about this, a voice will go up loud enough to get something done, and there will be people who want to do things themselves to help. If you have never sent any kind of a humanitarian letter anywhere, and if you have never given a beggar a dime, or helped an old lady across the street, and you will never do a thing in the future in a humanitarian way, now is the time to do just this one thing. Do something; send this letter out to as many people as you can...
With magic, you start with a frog and end up with a prince.
With science, you start with a frog, get a PhD and are still left with the frog you started with...

Terry Pratchett

ZitatBBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

A German football supporter waves national flags on top of a car on the Kurfuerstendamm, Berlin. A majority of people polled on all continents said Germany had a positive influence on the world

Germany is the most positively viewed nation in the world in this year's annual Country Ratings Poll for the BBC World Service.

More than 26,000 people were surveyed internationally for the poll.

They were asked to rate 16 countries and the European Union on whether their influence in the world was "mainly positive" or "mainly negative".

Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed. ...
Man kann das Pferd zum Wasser führen, aber nicht machen, dass es trinkt.


Zitat von: Conina am 24. Mai 2013, 10:06:24
ZitatBBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

A German football supporter waves national flags on top of a car on the Kurfuerstendamm, Berlin. A majority of people polled on all continents said Germany had a positive influence on the world

Germany is the most positively viewed nation in the world in this year's annual Country Ratings Poll for the BBC World Service.

More than 26,000 people were surveyed internationally for the poll.

They were asked to rate 16 countries and the European Union on whether their influence in the world was "mainly positive" or "mainly negative".

Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed. ...

Das ist ungefähr so aussagekräftig wie vor ein paar Jahren die Meldung in der Auto-Darf-Alles-Club-"Motorwelt": 89 % der Autofahrer seien gegen Tempolimits. Da hatte der Club 500 seiner 18 Millionen Mitglieder (das ist soviel wie Schweiz, Österreich und Slowenien zusammengenommen an Einwohnern haben) nach irgendetwas, was man nicht so genau erfuhr, gefragt - und die 89 % einer nicht näher mitgeteilten Antwortvariante flugs auf die etwa 65 Millionen Inhaber einer Fahrerlaubnis extrapoliert.  :laugh: