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Begonnen von NeuroMD, 04. Dezember 2023, 22:59:23

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Ich habe das Rätsel bald geknackt, bin einer ganz heißen Spur auf der Spur ::)

Das Dingens ging schon mal über den Äther, aber es wurde nicht als das bezeichnet, was es wahrscheinlich ist. Bis jetzt. Man höre den Podcast (oder lese, was ich gleich unten schreibe).

ZitatChantal entwickelt plötzlich starke Tics - genauso wie weltweit tausende andere. Auf den ersten Blick sieht es aus wie Tourette. Ihre Ärztin hat einen Verdacht: Kann es sein, dass sie sich übers Internet angesteckt hat?

Da schauen Leute TikTok-Videos und bekommen Toks (die halt aussehen wie Tiks). Die Toks sind echt, aber sie haben mit den Tiks der Touretten nicht viel zu tun. Aber sie sind nicht weniger problematisch. Dann wird gesagt, es handele sich um funktionelle neurologische Störungen (FND - das habe ich ja bereits thematisiert). Interessant ist hier, dass das auch sozial ansteckend ist. Es wird noch ein Beispiel aus England genannt, das an die Sache in dem englischen Krankenhaus erinnert, aber anders gelagert ist.

Wenn FNDs ansteckend sind, dann erklärt das vll., warum es nach der Pandemie (oder mittendrin) plötzlich so viele neue Fälle der Ganzkörperkrankheit gegeben hat (und ähnlicher Phänomene, ich sach nur ROGD). Es gibt hier die üblichen Risikofaktoren, die - wie man es erwarten würde - dem biopsychosozialem Modell entsprechen (soziales Umfeld, psychische / körperliche Vorbelastungen > Stress / Ängste etc.). Das hat man auch bei LC festgestellt.

Interessante Beobachtung:

ZitatPerceptions of Tourette syndrome (TS) and tic disorders are often driven by social media. During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media consumption greatly increased, particularly in the adolescent population. In parallel with increased social media consumption, there has also been an increase in tic severity and functional tic-like behavior (FTLB). Given that many of the tic videos posted on social media are misleading, perpetuate false beliefs about TS, or reinforce tic-like behaviors, there is increasing concern that these videos are driving the rapid increase in FTLBs. Several studies have reviewed newly presenting cases of FTLB and have found shared characteristics, including that a higher proportion of affected individuals are female, there is a low proportion with a history of childhood or family tics, and symptom onset is typically acute and develops in the teenage years. In addition, the quality of the tics seen in association with FTLB mirrors many of the tics seen on popular social media channels, with higher rates of coprophenomena, tic attacks, and involvement of the trunk and extremities than is seen with typical tics. FTLBs are likely a specific subgroup of functional tics largely influenced by the portrayal of and growing popularity of functional tics posted on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, several factors, including increased anxiety, social isolation, and social media use in general during the pandemic are likely also contributing factors to the surge of FTLBs seen recently. In this era of increased social media consumption, it will become increasingly important for clinicians to educate patients about where and how medical information is spread, to ensure the best possible diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for patients.

Man möge Tiks durch Trans ersetzen, dann passt es auch in den Genderfaden. Aber es geht ja um solche merkwürdigen Symptome, die die Ganzkörperkrankheit ausmachen. Die brauchen aber keine "organische" Ursache, es reicht, wenn man zu lange in die Blase starrt.

ZitatFunctional tics fall under the larger umbrella of functional movement disorders (FMDs), generally thought to be an external manifestation or reaction to underlying psychosocial stressors.Citation19 Functional tics have previously been referred to as pseudo-tics, psychogenic tics, and non-organic tics; however, the etiology of these non-typical tics has still not been well established and therefore the term functional tics is most often used as convention in recent years.Citation20

The phenomenological characteristics of tics in TS are somewhere between volitional movement and involuntary movement,Citation21 which makes distinguishing between typical tics of TS and functional tics challenging. There have been several proposals on how best to differentiate between typical tics and FTLBs, mainly based on clinical observations and case series of patients with atypical tics. Clues to the diagnosis of functional tics include a later onset in adolescence or young adulthood as opposed to childhood, sudden onset, complex tics at onset, and association with other functional neurologic disorders such as pseudoseizures. They occur more often in females as opposed to males, with a lack of childhood or family history of tics.Citation17,Citation20–22 In addition, functional tics may be associated with a lack of premonitory sensation, unusual premonitory symptoms, a perception of being totally involuntary, poor response to typical tic medications, difficulty with suppression, and higher rates of suggestibility.

Da helfen nur noch Magnetpilze.

DU DUMME SAU!!!! ::)
Wollte ich nur mal gesagt haben!