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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Trump soll laut WH Doktor keinen corona Virus haben, also bis jetzt noch nicht. Das ding ist halt nur, wie vertrauenswürdig ist so eine aussage, wenn der Präsident versucht hat, die Pandemie unter den Teppich zu kehren, damit er gut ausschaut?

Scipio 2.0

War es nicht auch so, dass in den USA zuerst test eingesetzt wurden, die nicht richtig funktioniert haben?

Von daher würde ich direkt mal hinterfragen, ob der verwendete Test auch aussagekräftig ist.


Eric Trump: in my opinion its's a great time to buy stocks or into your 401K. I would be all in..


The best thing about science is that it works - even if you don't believe in it.

Scipio 2.0

Da rechnet wohl jemand mit dem Zusammenbruch der öffentlichen Ordnung.....


Zitat von: Peiresc am 13. März 2020, 12:33:17
ZitatCarlos Lozada
Just finished reading TODDLER IN CHIEF by @dandrezner. One of the traits he highlights in the president is his "deep reluctance" to take responsibility for anything.
Das ist natürlich falsch. Zum Beispiel ist er immer für den aufsteigenden Schenkel der Dow-Jones-Kurve verantwortlich.

George Conway

vor 13 min


Nachrichten von der Heimatfront.

Die Magioten sind im Moment orientierungslos. Trump sagt, Obama ist schuld. Sheriff Clarke sagt, George Soros ist der Übeltäter, und für Jerry Falwell Jr. ist Südkorea der Erfinder des Virus. Kürzlich hat der Trumpanse Dan Bongino dem Trumpisten Geraldo Rivera auf Fox vorgeworfen, letzterer würde "chinesische Propaganda" bullshitten.
ZitatThe divide was in stark contrast on Fox News last week, as the crisis snowballed into the public eye. One host, Tucker Carlson, delivered grave warnings about the coronavirus. He accused officials — who his conservative audience "probably voted for" — of minimizing "what is clearly a very serious problem." Another host, Sean Hannity, called it "fear-mongering by the deep state."

Sie kriegen einfach keine Story zusammen, die jeder Idiot glauben kann.
Das klingt gefährlich.
ZitatTrump's supporters elected him because he was a "wartime leader" who could fight against the swamp and the elites, so they expect the same against a truly invisible threat, said War Room host and former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam. "If, for a second, people think that he doesn't have that strength, or he doesn't have that fortitude, then it will become a problem," he said.


Es gibt ja hierzulande auch Menschen mit immerhin genug Neuronen, eine Computertastatur zu bedienen, die der Meinung sind,
es wäre durchaus super dem Stable Idi... äh Genius CureVac zu vescherbeln, weil er als "Macher" das sicher besser im Griff hat,
als die Wissenschaftler hierzulande.


Zitat von: RainerO am 16. März 2020, 16:02:02
als "Macher" das sicher besser im Griff

Seattle nähert sich dem Status lombardosus
ZitatHere in the wealthiest country in the world. /5


Zitat von: RainerO am 16. März 2020, 16:02:02
als "Macher" das sicher besser im Griff

ZitatAndrea Junker

1. Trump denied the available WHO coronavirus test kit.
2. The 12-week delay cost American lives.
3. After this delay, Oscar Health launches its testing center locator.
4. Oscar Health is a Kushner company.

Investigate the shit out of this mobster family. Benghazi style, please.


Zitat von: celsus am 15. März 2020, 18:36:48
Die Vorbereitungen auf die Corona-Krise laufen:

Da kommt Hoffnung auf lauter Amerikaner die ihre Waffen verkaufen wollen. *sarkasmusaus*


Der Dow ist heute um knapp 3000 Punkte abgestürzt.
ZitatDowntown Josh Brown
Something tells me no one will be autographing this chart.


ZitatNewt Gingrich:
A reporter asked me today why conservatives were initially so skeptical of the threat of the coronavirus. I tried to explain that one of the dangerous consequences of having a totally dishonest left wing news media was that most Americans discounted their hysteria as phony.

Caroline Orr:
Conservatives are skeptical of the threat of #coronavirus for the same reasons they're skeptical of the threat of climate change: Namely, because people like @newtgingrich spent decades convincing them that science is just another weapon to be wielded in the "war of the ideas."


Das Video dazu ist der Knaller oder besser gesagt voller dämlicher Knaller.
Trump-Boosting Megachurch Pastor Mocks Those Who Skipped Church For Fear of Coronavirus


Zitat"The hospital told me and his primary care physician told me, you have to come to terms with the fact that your dad probably has the virus but we cannot do anything about it because there is no cure and we can only give him supportive care," Rowena said.

However, the family was told that he could receive supportive care only if he tested positive — a frustrating hurdle since he isn't eligible for testing.

Aber das Leben muss ja weitergehn.
ZitatRecent reports from Axios and Government Executive, and even the words of the president's own spokesperson on Fox News, confirm that President Trump has tapped a 29-year-old former body man who was fired by then-chief of staff John Kelly to lead a governmentwide effort to purge federal employees who are not sufficiently loyal to the president. All this on the heels of the already-near-total ouster of career officials who testified during the impeachment inquiry.

If the president is successful in executing such a purge of supposedly "disloyal" federal employees, the ramifications will be felt for decades to come throughout our political system and our government.
Nämlich: es wird ein System wie im 19. Jhd wieder eingeführt werden, das spoils system.

Das wird in dem (kurzen) Text noch ein bisschen erläutert.
ZitatUnder this system, it didn't matter if a federal employee couldn't perform the job they were hired for, because the most important job of any federal new hire was raising money for the president's campaign and making the president look good. Now, thanks to nearly a century and a half of reform efforts, we have a merit-based civil service where federal employees are skilled, knowledgeable, and committed to performing their job as set forth in law by Congress for the American people.