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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Es ist eine alte Steuererklärung von Trump aufgetaucht. Auf den ersten Blick ist wohl nichts Besonderes darin.

Aber Joe Scarborough (MSNBC, "Morning Joe") und Donald Trump sind keine Freunde mehr:
Zitat"This one tax return is not bad for him because he cherry picked one return from over a decade ago and had it leaked to the press," Scarborough wrote on Twitter. "The Trump camp released one positive tax return to distract from Russia hearings and the Trumpcare meltdown. That's painfully obvious."

That prompted the challenge from longtime Trump attorney Michael Cohen, who tweeted, "I know who has his taxes. You better have proof to back up your claim and big mouth!"

In response, Scarborough tweeted: "1. Read the First Amendment 2. Save your dumb thug routine for someone who gives a damn."


ZitatConspiracy theorist and InfoWars leader Alex Jones took issue with the latest "Saturday Night Live" portrayal of President Donald Trump on Monday.

Jones challenged actor Alec Baldwin, who plays President Trump on the sketch comedy show, to a "bare-knuckled" fight.
"Alec Baldwin thinks he's a tough guy? I challenge him -- a million dollars to the charity he wants -- to get in the ring with me, bare-knuckled," Jones said on his show. 
"You coward ... you frickin' bully, you coward. I hate you! My listeners hate you!" he added.
Es ist aber nicht so, dass einem seriösen Republikaner mit einem Minimum an philosophischer Bildung nichts dazu einfallen würde. Jones' Argument hat einen festen Platz in der geheiligten Syllogistik:
ZitatArgumentum in ferio [...] wird genannt, wenn man Jemand mit Schlägen, oder sonst mit Gewalt zum Ja sagen zwingen will. Dieses Arguments, meinte Mendoza, müßte man sich bedienen, um diejenigen, die den Satz des Widerspruchs, oder das reale Daseyn der Dinge läugnen, auf vernünftigere Gedanken zu bringen. Weil es eine Gattung der Schlüsse in der ersten Figur giebt, die mit dem Worte ferio bezeichnet wird, welches so viel als ich schlage heißt, so hat daher dieses unlogische Argument seinen Nahmen bekommen
[G. I. Wenzel: Philosophisches Real-Lexicon, Linz 1807, Bd. I S. 177]

So klingt es doch gleich geordnet, ein bisschen wenigstens.


ZitatOne in four children in rural America are living in poverty. One in five live in a household that sometimes struggles to put food on the table.
Ein Fünftel der Haushalte mit Kindern im ländlichen Amerika hungert mindestens gelegentlich. Zahlen, die man nicht häufig liest.

Was gedenkt die Regierung da zu tun? Ganz einfach, nicht mehr zählen:
ZitatFunds for agricultural data collection at the National Agricultural Statistics Service and Economic Research Service also are on the chopping block

Wird das genügen? Nein, natürlich nicht. Essen auf Rädern und sonstige Lebensmittelhilfeprogramme abschaffen.
ZitatTrump would slash programs that invest in rural infrastructure, target rural public radio and demolish food-aid programs that farmers rely on to buy their products. [...] For example, the administration calls for $6.2 billion for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, a federal nutrition program aimed at pregnant women and young children that now covers half of all infants born in the United States.

Von irgendwas müssen die neuen Flugzeugträger ja bezahlt werden:


RPS, die republikanischen Patrioten.
ZitatRogue POTUS Staff‏: Mulvaney should mentor POTUS in leadership. Listens, take notes, it's intelligent and competent. Basically, he's the anti-POTUS

Aber ausgerechnet der? Bemerkung aus dem Publikum:
ZitatDavid Lee Goth‏: No thanks. Anti-community, anti-American, pro-conservative people killing rhetoric. HARD PASS.

RPS: And the Republicans behind this account will hard pass on Pelosi. But let's look pass the partisan interpretations, shall we?

Rebecca Sutherland‏: Partisan interpretations? We're talking about feeding poor kids and seniors! Just wow!

RPS: Actually, we were talking about leadership skills, not politics.

Dabei ist Mulvaney doch wirklich mitfühlend. Er erklärt, warum Essen auf Rädern (Meals on Wheels) abzuschaffen ist:
ZitatMulvaney described the budget blueprint, which calls for dramatic cuts to domestic spending programs in favor of increased funding for the military, as "one of the most compassionate things we can do."

He explained that the budget proposal is compassionate to the taxpayer


Die fanatischen Spinner vom rechten Rand sind die Herren des Budget-Entwurfs aus dem Weißen Haus. Wenn das Wort ,,gruselig" nicht so einen leicht ironischen Beiklang hätte, dann wäre es vielleicht geeignet.
Zitat[...] he's also pushing tens of billions of dollars in cuts to medical research, climate science, public health, international diplomacy, national service, environmental enforcement, heating aid for the poor, after-school snacks for kids, and a variety of other programs that have long enjoyed bipartisan support. [...] Trump isn't just attacking programs with bipartisan support; he's attacking programs with the support of his own Cabinet.

Übrigens hat Mulvaney schlicht gelogen, als er gesagt hat, es gäbe keine Evidenz für Essen auf Rädern.

Es wird ein nur grimmiges Vergnügen sein, Mr Ryan, Ihnen bei Ihren Spagat-Übungen zuzusehen. Im Ernst, Ye Jacobites,
ZitatEither you stand up for your principles and for what you know is decent behavior, or you go down, if not now, then years from now, as a coward or opportunist. Your reputation will never recover, nor should it.
- Eliot Cohen

ZitatYe Republicans by name, lend an ear, lend an ear,
Your fautes I will proclaim,
Your doctrines I maun blame, you shall hear, you shall hear.

What is Right, and What is Wrang, by the law, by the law?

Then let your schemes alone in the state, in the state,
So let your schemes alone,
Adore the rising sun,
And leave a man undone, to his fate, to his fate.

-   frei nach Robert Burns


Hier noch der Song dazu:

Alastair MacDonald - Ye Jacobites By Name


Zitat von: Washington PostThis budget will make America a lean, mean fighting machine with bulging, rippling muscles and not an ounce of fat. America has been weak and soft for too long. BUT HOW WILL I SURVIVE ON THIS BUDGET? you may be wondering. I AM A HUMAN CHILD, NOT A COSTLY FIGHTER JET. You may not survive, but that is because you are SOFT and WEAK, something this budget is designed to eliminate.


Fox News anchor Shep Smith said Friday that the network does not have any evidence that President Donald Trump was ever placed under surveillance

"Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano's commentary," Smith said. "Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind, that the now president of the United States was surveilled at any time, in any way, full stop."

"Of course, the president could learn first-hand whether the building in which he lives was wiretapped," Smith said. "All he'd have to do is ask the intelligence services; they work for him."


Bleiben nur noch breitbart und infowars als die letzten Gerechten, denen hunderte Geisterfahrer entgegen kommen. Alle Fake-News, außer Mami. Aber, nichwa, Seanilein, Du hältst doch weiter zu mir, nich?


ZitatAs many as 60,000 immigrants could sue GEO Group, one of the largest private prison companies in the United States, for allegedly making immigrants engage in forced work that violates anti-slavery laws.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014, asserts that detained immigrants are forced to work for $1-2 a day. GEO and CoreCivic (the other largest private prison company) combined donated nearly $500,000 in support of Trump – half went to a super PAC that helped elect him and the other half went to support Trump's inauguration.  Now, two months into his administration, those donations appear to be paying big dividends.

Despite inhumane conditions in private prisons, President Trump's administration has announced several orders that benefit specific private prison companies in both the immigration and criminal justice systems, creating the appearance of pay-to-play corruption at the highest level. Congress should immediately begin an investigation but, more importantly, we need to fundamentally change how we finance our elections. Even the appearance of corruption degrades our democracy.

Eine private Gefängnisindustrie ist natürlich viel viel besser als eine staatlich geführte.


Robert Mercer ist der entscheidende Sponsor von Donald Trump, ein ideologischer Kumpan von Steve Bannon. The New Yorker teilt über ihn mit
ZitatMagerman told the Wall Street Journal that Mercer's political opinions "show contempt for the social safety net that he doesn't need, but many Americans do." He also said that Mercer wants the U.S. government to be "shrunk down to the size of a pinhead." Several former colleagues of Mercer's said that his views are akin to Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Magerman told me, "Bob believes that human beings have no inherent value other than how much money they make. A cat has value, he's said, because it provides pleasure to humans. But if someone is on welfare they have negative value. If he earns a thousand times more than a schoolteacher, then he's a thousand times more valuable." Magerman added, "He thinks society is upside down—that government helps the weak people get strong, and makes the strong people weak by taking their money away, through taxes." He said that this mind-set was typical of "instant billionaires" in finance, who "have no stake in society," unlike the industrialists of the past, who "built real things."

Meine Hervorhebung.

Zitat von: WikipediaMercer has acquired one of the country's "largest" collections of machine guns and historical firearms, including a weapon Arnold Schwarzenegger wielded in The Terminator.[4] [...] In 2011, Mercer endowed Breitbart News with at least $11 million.[8] [...] Mercer gilt als einer der zehn US-Milliardäre mit dem größten politischen Einfluss.[6]
Wieviel Geld er hat, weiß ich nicht, lt Forbes hat er im Jahr 2014 $125 Mio ,,verdient", mit denen er für die diversen darbenden Rechten und Rechtsextremen (Breitbart, Cruz usw.) nur so um sich wirft.

Mir fällt zu Mercer nichts ein.

-   Karl Kraus, geringfügig modernisiert.


Versatzstücke aus einer Kommentarspalte bei

ZitatAren't you tired of lying smearing president Trump yet? He's winning for ALL OF US, fighting the insane Muslim Obama's cartel. Trump haters are scums who also hate America & the common men he represents
Kennt man schon. Kann man unter jede beliebige Trump-Kritik setzen. Und steht auch unter jeder beliebigen Trump-Kritik.

Eine Antwort:
Zitat"Remember when Trump said he was going to donate his salary? Well he just accepted his second paycheck.
Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall? He has asked Congress to appropriate the $25 billion of taxpayer money to cover costs.
Remember when he said he was going to divest from his businesses? He changed his mind.
Remember when he said he was going to release his tax returns? He changed his mind.
Remember when he said he wasn't going to go on vacation or play golf? Five of the last seven weekends he went on vacation and played golf, costing taxpayers $11.1 million.
Remember when he said he was going to use American steel to build these dangerous pipelines? Russian steel arrived last week for the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Remember when he said would defeat ISIS in 30 days? He still hasn't even presented a plan.
Remember when he said he was going to appropriate money to Historically Black Colleges and Universities? He lied to get a photo-op.
Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp of Washington insiders? His cabinet is filled with lobbyists, oil magnates and Wall Street executives.
Remember when he said that nobody on his campaign had any communications with Russian officials? Seven of his people have now admitted they spoke and/or met with Russian officials, after they lied and got caught.
Remember when he said that the Obamacare replacement would cover more people at lower cost? The AHCA will cover fewer people at a higher cost."

ZitatHate-filled libturd* troll alert!!!!!!!(

* Trumpanzee-Sprech. Urban Dict: "Combination of Liberal and turd**. A Libturd is generally referring to politically left leaning to extreme left leaning person that believes their liberal view points are the only valid view points and anyone that disagrees with them is a fundie and belongs to the Religious Right."

** Generally, a log-shaped piece of shit.


Das Treffen mit Merkel ist offenbar nicht zufriedenstellend gelaufen. Die mitgereisten Konzernchefs haben vermutlich angedeutet, was ein Handelskrieg für Auswirkungen auf amerikanische Arbeitsplätze haben würde.

Da muss man sich doch einfach mal Erleichterung verschaffen.

Don't take him literally. He's honest, except he's joking. Keine Trollfütterung bitte; ein Troll in Vorderasien genügt.


Seltsame Zeiten. Heute habe ich mich dabei ertappt, dass ich das Gefühl hatte, diese Nachricht:


könne ihm in der Öffentlichkeit mehr schaden als diese:


The universe is under NO obligation to make sense to us
(Neil deGrasse Tyson)


AHCA (d. h. die Abschaffung von Affordable Care Act, Obamacare) steht kurz vor der Verabschiedung im Kongress.

ZitatBob Doherty, senior vice president for government affairs at the American College of Physicians, the trade group for internists and the second-largest association of doctors in America, is taking a different approach on Twitter this morning, blasting the bill as the worst measure he's seen in nearly 40 years of advocacy work.

Doherty warns of "thousands of preventable deaths" if the bill passes (which checks out), as 28 million people lose coverage. He also makes the point that the long-term health consequences of the bill could be even more severe, as older people who lose insurance coverage due to skyrocketing premiums "will put off getting care until diseases are at more advanced, less treatable, & costly stage."

Die Republikaner will not lend an ear.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 20. März 2017, 18:52:56
AHCA (d. h. die Abschaffung von Affordable Care Act, Obamacare) steht kurz vor der Verabschiedung im Kongress.

ZitatBob Doherty, senior vice president for government affairs at the American College of Physicians, the trade group for internists and the second-largest association of doctors in America, is taking a different approach on Twitter this morning, blasting the bill as the worst measure he's seen in nearly 40 years of advocacy work.

Doherty warns of "thousands of preventable deaths" if the bill passes (which checks out), as 28 million people lose coverage. He also makes the point that the long-term health consequences of the bill could be even more severe, as older people who lose insurance coverage due to skyrocketing premiums "will put off getting care until diseases are at more advanced, less treatable, & costly stage."

Die Republikaner will not lend an ear.

Vielleicht mehr Schusswaffen günstig abgeben und subventionieren mit dem "eingesparten" Geld? Wäre dann eine Win-Win-Situation, die Produktion steigt, größere KH-Aufenthalte werden vorher mit Suizid verhindert?



Zitat von: Typee am 20. März 2017, 18:20:01
Seltsame Zeiten. Heute habe ich mich dabei ertappt, dass ich das Gefühl hatte, diese Nachricht:

Den allergrößten Schaden, der dieser Mensch anrichten wird ist, die Lüge als selbstverständliche Kommunikationsform zu etablieren. Das ist das eigentliche Gift. Nicht, dass nicht dauernd irgendwie gelogen würde, das ist in einem gewissen Rahmen eh klar. Es ist diese Selbstverständlichkeit, erstmal vom Gegenteil auszugehen.