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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Ich denke mir, die Inaugurationsrede ist von Steve Bannon geschrieben worden. Der hohe IQ des Präsidenten verachtet im allgemeinen Stilmittel, die das Niveau der 4. Klasse übersteigen.

Leider gibt es noch kein Wahrheitsministerium. Da muss einstweilen die Twitterversorgung dem Präsidenten allein vorbehalten bleiben.

ZitatInterior Department officials have been ordered to shut down the organization's official Twitter accounts indefinitely after the National Park Service shared tweets comparing attendance at President Donald Trump's inauguration against former President Barack Obama's.
Earlier Friday the verified Twitter account for the National Park Service retweeted a post from New York Times reporter Binyamin Applebaum showing side by side images of the crowds at Trump's inauguration and at President Barack Obama's record-setting 2009 swearing-in. Obama's, on the left, shows a jam-packed National Mall while Trump's, on the right, is more sparsely populated.

The photos were seen as stark evidence that Trump's prediction of an "unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout" did not come to fruition.
Auch Google ist noch dem American carnage verhaftet, das dann doch noch nicht right here and right now gestoppt ist. So ist es leicht, solche Bilder zu finden (es gibt mehrere).

Das muss sich ändern! Und es wird sich ändern. Diese Globalists sind das der amerikanischen Arbeiterklasse schuldig. NB, OT: Wagenknecht ist widerlich. Mehr will ich dazu gar nicht sagen.


Kein Wunder, dass die Wagenknecht auf Trump abfährt.


Trump arrives on the Capitol.

Ernst Thälmann auf einer 1.-Mai-Kundgebung
Berlin, 1. Mai 1930


Earlier Friday the verified Twitter account for the National Park Service retweeted a post from New York Times reporter Binyamin Applebaum showing side by side images of the crowds at Trump's inauguration and at President Barack Obama's record-setting 2009 swearing-in. Obama's, on the left, shows a jam-packed National Mall while Trump's, on the right, is more sparsely populated.

That'll teach 'em!

ZitatThe National Park service retweeted some sick Donald Trump burns, noting how, uh, lightly attended his inauguration was compared to Barack Obama's in 2009. But now, the NPS has been ordered by its Washington support office to "immediately cease use of government Twitter accounts until further notice," according to an internal email obtained by Gizmodo.
The best thing about science is that it works - even if you don't believe in it.


Auch sonst ist die Welt einfacher und übersichtlicher geworden. Es gibt nur noch zwei Sorten von Menschen:

ZitatThe group was brought in for secondary processing, where the border agent asked about their political views, Decunha told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. "The first thing he asked us point blank is, 'Are you anti- or pro-Trump?'"

Das erleichtert Grenzkontrollen erheblich:

ZitatHe described the experience – particularly the questions he fielded about his political beliefs – as concerning. "It felt like, if we had been pro-Trump, we would have absolutely been allowed entry."
The best thing about science is that it works - even if you don't believe in it.


Zitat von: celsus am 21. Januar 2017, 12:36:48
That'll teach 'em!

Ist doch völlig klar. New York Times. Absolut unmöglich. Wenn man dishonesterweise zwei, drei Klicks weiter sucht, dann landet man hier:
'It's made in Vietnam!' At inauguration, origin of red Trump hats shocks many
ZitatEs ist Menschenfleisch!
- Soylent Green


Die groteske Presse-,,Konferenz" des Sean Spicer (5 Unwahrheiten in 4'30'', keine Rückfragen erlaubt) ist ein noch kümmerliches Provisorium für das Wahrheitsministerium:
Zitat"I'm gonna tell you that it goes two ways. We're gonna hold the press accountable as well."

Sie wird in Twitter so aufgenommen:
ZitatFrom same @PressSec stmt:
1:36 in: "No one had numbers."
2:25 in: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.
"Donald Trump came up with the idea for the margherita pizza during a 1983 Mar-a-Lago summit with Winston Churchill."
"A hot dog is a sandwich. Period."
President Trump's hands are the "largest hands to ever exist, period." - Sean Spicer

[zit. n.  The Hill]

Und zitiert SNL:
ZitatPutin trolls Trump over his small inauguration crowd and his amateur lies

Aber der Kommentar, den ich für den wichtigsten halte, ist dieser:
ZitatTrump's real war isn't with the media. It's with facts.
It's not difficult to imagine the Trump administration disputing bad jobs numbers in the future, or claiming their Obamacare replacement covers everyone when it actually throws millions off insurance.


Doch doch, die Nation erscheint allmählich geeint. Zumindest die Sprachregelung der Trump-Administration und ihrer Kritiker nähert sich einander an:
ZitatWhen asked by NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press" why Spicer used falsehoods during the statement, Conway offered an explanation that quickly went viral.

"You're saying it's a falsehood and Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that," she said.

"Alternative facts are not facts," Todd responded. "They're falsehoods."



Es gab vor den US Wahlen schon einen Datentransfer von US-Servers über Klimadaten nach Kanada. Auch soll Daten ins Ausland gebracht haben.

Exakt zur Minute des Machtübergangs von Obama zu Trump gab es die Löschung der Seiten auf:

die nun weg sind.


Was ist eigentlich aus der guten alten 100 Tage- Frist geworden? Hab ich ja schon seit Jahren nix mehr von vernommen. :grins

Ach, da stehts ja auch:

ZitatDie allgemeine Anwendbarkeit dieser willkürlichen Frist ist jedoch umstritten und verliert in den letzten Jahren immer mehr an Bedeutung.
If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, brother, that person is a piece of shit. Rusty Cohle


ZitatTrump-Beraterin: "Unser Pressesprecher hat alternative Fakten dazu"

Warum hatter eigentlich noch kein eigenes Medien- Imperium?
If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, brother, that person is a piece of shit. Rusty Cohle


Erm, hatte er, Trumpmagazine war mal ein ding, gibt es aber nicht mehr, glaube sogar Trump TV war mal was, gibt es auch nicht mehr. Hatte sogar mal Trump Steaks, ist alles pleite gegangen. Also ich möchte gerne mal ein Kommentar teilen und wissen was Ihr davon haltet ist leider englisch:

Zitata quote from Dennis Miller: "If you think people hate him now, just wait until his policies start working."

aka - this is the post where I make dozens of snowflakes unfollow me so that they can go their safe space.

It's hard for me to NOT be petty, especially after how absurd the deep-end left have responded to the election.

Honestly, I've been watching this all unfold since the primaries. Idiots don't get this far on luck, contrary to what cartoons have taught us. Trump figured it how to win, he understood that he could be an angel and CNN would still give Hillary the debate questions.

Trump used outrage to get the left to draw attention to issues they didn't have any intention of fixing. When he'd say something "offensive" he would load it with a bit of truth. That way, when all the news casters and deep left crowd would get all self-righteous preachy on the subject ... they'd really be unwittingly drawing attention to this bit of truth. (I mean, when was the last time you heard a politician offer ANY plan on improving immigration laws, or enforcing the laws that we already have?) This is how he rallied support.

He also understood how the electoral college worked, not being content or justified in the popularity of celebs. (And if you still don't understand it, your highschool and college history teachers have utterly failed you, or you failed those courses. This should be covered in the discussions regarding why we have the Senate and the House of Representatives.)

His inaugural speech took the hide off everyone on capital hill, saying "politicians prospered while Americans suffered". Everyone on the news had relayed this out of outrage, but now every american has heard this message (and they're probably going to be less trusting of their congressmen). Congress is going to play ball with populist Trump or lose their seats from an angry public; we're going to see the much needed term limits amendment passed along with many other things.

In his candid short speeches at the Inaugural Balls, he delivered them the same way a successful CEO would deliver a pep-talk to their company that's about to launch a major project. (And this is me talking from my MBA degree and experience reading business press blurbs and figuring out what they're actually meaning behind the corporate lingo.) He's already got a plan and when he gets to work Monday morning he's going to catch everyone off guard with how much he'll get done (that wouldn't take much, many of them are still in denial or grieving over the election).

As a point of advice, everyone on the left (especially the news media, the politicians, and the SJWs on tumblr) need to reassess how they're working.


That or everyone on the left can keep playing the identity discrimination politics card. This is why the left lost; and pursuing this path will guarantee a 2020 trump victory.

Just saying...