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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Zitat von: Peiresc am 17. Mai 2017, 11:17:47
Back to the basics.

Der stupide Anteil hier ist, dass Trump unmöglich hätte diese Erwartung erfüllen können.....

It' the economy, stupid.

Allerdings. Ohne Gastarbeiter aus Mexico könnte er beim derzeitigen Zustand des amerikanischen Arbeitsmarktes nicht einmal seine alberne Mauer bauen.
The universe is under NO obligation to make sense to us
(Neil deGrasse Tyson)


Rechtsaußen, die Trump-Basis, übt sich schon mal in Dolchstoßlegende: der staff des Weißen Hauses ist an allem schuld, diese ,,low-energy"-Verräter. Und die Presse natürlich, die bösartigen Dems, die toxische GOP-Elite, kurz: die "forces of evil."

Zurück zu dem, was wirklich zählt, auch wenn es nicht auf dem Radar der GOP ist.
Zitat[...] the most dangerous Trump Administration appointee is easily Tom Price, the secretary of Health and Human Services.

Over 55 million Americans are on Medicare. Roughly another 74.5 million Americans receive health coverage through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program. In other words, fully one-third of Americans receive health care through programs administered by Price.

As House Budget Committee Chair, where he seemed largely focused on increasing the value of his health care stocks, Price made clear his contempt for the Medicaid program. State expenditures on Medicaid are matched by the federal government under a formula based on state incomes – poorer states get more, while more affluent states get less. In Congress, Price sought to replace this formula with care-rationing "block grants."

The House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA) would cut $839 billion from the Medicaid program over the next decade, according to impact estimates.
While much of the debate over the bill has centered on the Medicaid expansion that occurred under the Affordable Care Act, the reality is that cuts would affect funding that dates back to 1965.

Vielleicht schaffen es die "moderaten" unter den Republikanern, zusammen mit Joe Manchin, Tom Price noch 10 oder gar 20 Milliarden aus dem Kreuz zu leiern. Das wird ein großer Sieg. Die einzige Unsicherheit: wir wissen nicht, ob Strumpf noch in der Lage sein wird, ihn zu feiern.


Aber bei alldem, nicht vergessen, den Troll zu füttern! Sonst macht er wieder was kaputt.
ZitatNational Security Council (NSC) officials include President Trump's name in memos in as many paragraphs as possible to increase the chance he reads them, Reuters reported Wednesday.


Und den muss ich noch loswerden,
ZitatMoscow (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered to provide a transcript of a controversial Oval Office meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, raising the stakes in an affair that has sent the White House into a tailspin.
Und die Skripte werden natürlich überhaupt nicht redigiert sein, nein. Dafür steht Putin mit seinem Wort. Können seine Augen lügen?



Ryan hat sich vorerst entschieden.
Zitat"It is obvious – there are some people out there who want to harm the president," he said. [...]
Ryan added that he expects Congress to hear from Comey, and he wants to know why the director "didn't take action at the time" Trump reportedly pressured him to halt the Flynn investigation.
As he exited the press conference, Ryan was asked whether he still had confidence in Trump.

"I do," he said.
Wahrscheinlich denkt er: meine schöne Steuerreform ... und natürlich möchte er nicht als Brutus bei Breitbart ausgeschrien werden. Und wer weiß, vielleicht wird sich ja Comey irgendwie verplappern oder kriegt einen Herzinfarkt oder POTUS infantilis wird einen Befreiungsschlag landen oder die Außerirdischen werden ihn retten oder ...,
Nichts ist kostbarer als Zeit zu gewinnen.


Die WaPo erwägt eine Rubrik "This is not normal", mit täglichen Beiträgen. An Stoff ist keinerlei Mangel.

ZitatA story about President Trump's bodyguard Keith Schiller, Redmond said, was accompanied by a photograph of the two of them walking on White House grounds. The bodyguard was holding a stack of papers, and, according to the caller, on the outside of those papers was a yellow sticky note that said "Jim, Mad Dog, Mattis" and had a phone number.

This of course sounds impossible. Way more care than that is taken around the president, right? The Secret Service is good at secrecy, generally. So I thanked the guy for the call and dubiously pulled up the photo in question. With the monitor turned 90 degrees and the photo blown up, indeed, I could make out a number and what might be "Jim, Mad Dog, Mattis," if you have better eyesight than mine even when I squint.

I called. I got the voice mail. It was him.


Grüße von Alt USDA_ARS (vgl. #906).

ZitatG'night, owls! Hold down the fort, keep science & truth in the forefront!
Könnten wir glatt als Wappenspruch übernehmen. Da würden sie uns bestimmt nicht böse sein.


Über das McMaster-Dementi des Geheimnisverrats, das kein Dementi ist, wird sogar Jack Shafer ernst.

ZitatHad anybody but McMaster tried to make the ridiculous case that Trump had done nothing wrong, the press corps would have pilloried him. The next installment of Saturday Night Live would parody him. Instead, the press has been filled with more than sorrow than anger for the bald-pated lieutenant general, writing as if they had just witnessed a scene from a Shakespeare tragedy where a military leader has chosen duty over honor.
Colin Powell never recovered from being reduced to George W. Bush's Iraq War water-carrier. The same fate probably awaits plain-spoken, virtuous warrior McMaster. He's broken hearts aplenty with his shilling for Trump. And probably his own.
Und vgl. noch #924, Mitte.



Die Betrachtung des Spektakels lehrt Bescheidenheit. Ich verabschiede mich gerade von meiner als gesichert geglaubten Ansicht, dass Prognosen prinzipiell unmöglich wären.

Diese Prognose ist ziemlich genau ein Jahr alt:
ZitatPosted on May 5, 2016, at 8:09 p.m.

WASHINGTON — Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy Thursday said he is seriously concerned with the prospect of Donald Trump having access to classified intelligence information now that he is the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, warning Trump could use it for political gain.

Trump "has no moral or ethical grounding," Murphy said, bluntly warning that, "he wouldn't think twice of taking classified information and putting it out in the public realm if he thought it served his political purposes."
Murphy said he also has particular concerns when it comes to Russia, arguing Trump is "living in a fantasy world" when it comes to his ability to work with Putin. Noting Trump's often positive comments about the Russian strongman, Murphy quipped, "Megalomaniacs find each other, I guess. I suspect Trump looks at Putin and sees a lot of himself."


Das Weiße Haus ist in Schockstarre. Nach der Ernennung des Sonderermittlers haben auch die letzten Zuckungen vorerst aufgehört.

Kellyanne Conway hat ein Interview mit Fox News in letzter Minute gecancelt, um das sie selbst gebeten hatte.

Trump hat einen Auftritt im FBI-Hauptquartier gecancelt, nachdem ihm bedeutet wurde, er dürfe keinen warmherzigen Empfang erwarten.


The end is nigh.

edit: RPS ist nicht ganz so zuversichtlich.


ZitatBefore President Donald Trump reportedly asked then-FBI Director James Comey to end the investigation into deposed national security adviser Michael Flynn's ties to Russia, he also reportedly made a remarkable suggestion about journalists.

Wrote the New York Times' Michael Schmidt of that exchange:
"Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey's associates."
The point is that the president of the United States reportedly floated the idea of jailing journalists for reporting classified information in a one-on-one exchange with the then director of the FBI.

Sit with that for a little while.


Die erste Auslandsreise dräut. Der staff ist schon ganz aufgeregt, wird die Trollfütterung glatt gehen?

ZitatForeign officials meeting President Trump during his first overseas trip are being told to praise him for winning the Electoral College last year, the New York Times reported Friday.
Embassies and leaders who have met with Trump have been speaking among themselves and with other dignitaries about how to handle the new president, and a number of themes have emerged, the report said. Among them:
- Compliment Trump on his election win, and compare him favorably to former President Obama.
- Don't expect him to know your country's history or hot-button issues.
- Make a short presentation tailored to his attention span, and don't try to bring up a long list of issues.

Für jede Art von Satire wäre das zu abgeschmackt: difficile est satiram scribere (frei nach Juvenal).


ave satani!

Und morgen oder übermorgen wird man ihn in Yad Vaschem wohl noch mit Kippa sehn, die ganzen Info- Krieger müssen jetzt schon vor Freude Pipi in der Hose haben. :teufel

If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, brother, that person is a piece of shit. Rusty Cohle