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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Update zu #5894.

ZitatTed Lieu @tedlieu US House candidate, CA-33:

Sheldon Adelson asks Trump to support Coronavirus relief bill. @POTUS  asks for campaign help.

This week Adelson says he's donating $50 million. Trump reverses position & supports higher relief numbers.

Updated letter from @RepKathleenRice  & I asking  @FBI  to investigate bribery.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg ist gestorben.


Werden die Republikaner den Zynismus aufbringen, kurz vor Toresschluss noch schnell einen neuen reaktionären Richter ins Oberste Gericht zu expedieren? Natürlich.

Warum Zynismus? Lindsey Graham hat 2016 einen solchen Schritt in genau dieser möglichen Konstellation im Brustton der Überzeugung von sich gewiesen.


Auch Tim Alberta meint, dass die Republikaner kein Problem mit einer Richter-Ernennung haben werden:
Zitata no-brainer to any conservative ideologue: With Trump trailing in the polls, and fewer than seven weeks until Election Day, Republicans should act immediately to lock down one branch of the federal government.
Und McConnell, "an eternal opportunist for whom intellectual consistency does not weigh on his decision-making", hätte für Bedenken nur sein diskretes Grinsen, das von ihm übrig bleiben wird wie von der Cheshire Cat. Paradoxerweise könnte die Ernennung aber an ... Trump scheitern, meint er.


ZitatNBC New York:
#BREAKING: US Department of Justice designates #NYC as an anarchist jurisdiction
Binyamin Appelbaum:
Anarchists don't have jurisdictions. That's the whole point.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 19. September 2020, 14:42:05
Auch Tim Alberta meint, dass die Republikaner kein Problem mit einer Richter-Ernennung haben [...]
Paradoxerweise könnte die Ernennung aber an ... Trump scheitern, meint er.

Inzwischen ist klar, dass das nicht der Fall sein wird. Dafür tun sich andere Hürden auf. Rechtsaußen fürchtet man, dass die Kandidatin, gleich welche, nicht verknöchert genug sein wird, wenn man sie nicht mit brauner Jauche tauft ... äh, einem gründlichen vetting process unterzieht. Das Verhalten von Gorsuch, der es tatsächlich gewagt hat, ein- oder zweimal mit den Demokraten zu stimmen, sitzt ihnen furchtbar in den Knochen.


Andrew Weissmann, Mueller-Stellvertreter, hat ein Buch über die Untersuchung geschrieben: Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller Investigation. Es kommt am 29. Sept. heraus.

Vorschau bei The Atlantic:
They were hamstrung by Mueller's decision not to look into Trump's financial dealings with Russia, which might have established a source of Russian leverage over Trump, but which the president had declared a red line not to be crossed.
Where Law Ends describes numerous instances, large and small, when Mueller declined to pursue an aggressive course for fear of the reaction at the White House. For example, the special counsel shied away from subpoenaing Don Trump Jr. to testify about his notorious June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton. Ivanka Trump, who didn't attend the meeting but talked with participants afterward in the lobby, and later discussed with her father how to conceal details from the press, was never even asked to speak with Mueller's investigators: They "feared that hauling her in for an interview would play badly to the already antagonistic right-wing press—Look how they're roughing up the president's daughter—and risk enraging Trump, provoking him to shut down the Special Counsel's Office once and for all."
Weissmann goes to great lengths to understand Mueller's thinking on two of his central decisions: not to subpoena Trump, and not to state plainly in the report what the evidence of volume two makes clear—that Trump obstructed justice. Neither decision holds up to Weissmann's scrutiny.

On the subpoena, Weissmann told me that the reason given in the report—that the legal battle would have unduly delayed the inquiry—was less than candid, since a subpoena issued at the start of the investigation could have been resolved by the Supreme Court months before the date of the report's completion. In Where Law Ends, Weissmann reveals that the real reason for not compelling the president to be interviewed was Mueller's aversion to having an explosive confrontation with the White House.
Das kommt nicht wirklich überraschend.


Zitat"Let me just give you one example of the issues that are out there," said Toobin [chief legal analyst von CNN]. "Most people don't know this, but under the Constitution, a state legislature can decide to award the electoral votes to the candidate of its choice, regardless of the voters. So if you have contested elections in North Carolina, in Wisconsin, states with active and very conservative Republican majorities, they can say, you know, this election is too chaotic, we are awarding our electoral votes to Donald Trump. That is a possibility that exists. And people need to start focusing on it now, because it is a real possibility."

Wie weit er Recht hat, weiß ich nicht. Aber ich nehme nicht an, dass er ein Panikmacher ist. Sachkenntnis würde ich ihm unterstellen; WP:
ZitatJeffrey Ross Toobin[1] (born May 21, 1960) is an American lawyer, blogger, author and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker.[2] During the Iran–Contra affair, he served as an associate counsel in the Department of Justice, and moved from government into writing during the 1990s.
und zuzutrauen wäre es den Retrumplikanern ohne weiteres.


Der 26jährige Max Kennedy Jr. war ein Freiwilliger für die Covid-19-Kommission von Jared Kushner. Sie wurde generalstabsmäßig in Szene gesetzt:
ZitatOn his first day, he showed up at the headquarters of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and joined around a dozen other volunteers, all in their twenties, mostly from the finance sector and with no expertise in procurement or medical issues. He was surprised to learn that they weren't to be auxiliaries supporting the government's procurement team. "We were the team," he said. "We were the entire frontline team for the federal government." The volunteers were tasked with finding desperately needed medical supplies using only their personal laptops and private e-mail accounts.

Was sollte er tun:
ZitatHe said that Brad Smith, one of the political appointees who directed the task force, pressured him to create a model fudging the projected number of fatalities; Smith wanted the model to predict a high of a hundred thousand U.S. deaths, claiming that the experts' models were "too severe."
Und vieles andere mehr (Spoiler: Rückendeckung für Trumps Lügen + Bevorzugung von dessen Satrapen wie Pirro). Dafür waren natürlich man power und Ausstattung hinreichend. Er hat einen whistle blower complaint an den Kongress geschrieben.


Die epochemachende Enthüllung über Hunter Biden durch den Senat steht bevor.
Zitat@SenRonJohnson  has acknowledged that he's been receiving these materials from Derkach, even after it was revealed Derkach was part of a Russian disinformation operation, yet he continues to push these conspiracies. He is a witting accomplice at this point
Mehr Details z. B. hier


Ich greife mal drei Meldungen aus den letzten 24 Stunden heraus.

ZitatIn the face of mounting criticism over her continued operation of an international business bearing her name, first daughter and White House advisor Ivanka Trump announced in 2018 that she was shuttering her namesake fashion brand. According to her latest financial disclosures, "All operations of the business ceased on July 31, 2018." Also according to her latest financial disclosures, she made at least six figures from the trust holding that business in 2019. Something doesn't add up there.

ZitatBREAKING: The Pentagon funneled nearly $1,000,000,000 of taxpayer money meant for masks and medical equipment to defense contractors building jet engines and body armor.
Quelle: Washington Post

ZitatSeth Cotlar:
The revelations in this thread are mind blowing. Trump, with no evidence, accused US ally Qatar of funding terrorists. Qatar, to get in Trump's good graces, opens a dummy office in one of Trump's properties to funnel money to him. Trump suddenly becomes Qatar's best friend again.
Mehr Details hier
Noch mehr Details hier

Der tägliche Strom solcher Meldungen reißt nicht ab. Beispiellose Korruption auf allen Ebenen, im Großen wie im Kleinen. So viele Untersuchungskommissionen könnte selbst ein williger Senat nicht aufsetzen, wie sie hier zur Eindämmung erforderlich wären. Der Absterbeprozess der Demokratie ist in vollem Gang.



Zitat@POTUS: "I think this will end up in the Supreme Court. & I think it's very important that we have 9 Justices. & I think the system is going to go very quickly. I'll be submitting at 5 o'clock on Saturday, the name of the person I chose for this most important of positions."
Die Zeit ist knapp. Rush Limbaugh hat schon gefordert, dass der Senat auf die Anhörungen verzichtet und die neue Richterin gleich so ernennt. Eine realistische Idee; sie liegt ja nach dem Schicksal des Impeachments im Senat in der Luft. 

Und Barr werden die Ideen, wie er eine Klage "begründet", auch nicht ausgehen.

Die Sicherungen sind nach und nach alle durchgebrannt. Ich wünschte mir mehr Optimismus.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg aufgebahrt im Obersten Gericht.
(Videoclip, 36 Sec).


Zitat von: Peiresc am 23. September 2020, 18:40:57
Die Szenarien werden plastischer und bedrückender.

Inzwischen gibt es dazu auch Kritik: solche Szenarien werden von den Trumpisten gepusht, um Wähler zu verunsichern und zu entmutigen.