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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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ZitatMichael Tracey:
Adam Schiff said today on ABC that the House could fine Trump officials $25,000 per day if they don't comply with subpoenas. So in addition to throwing the Attorney General in jail, Democrats are also threatening to personally bankrupt pretty much everyone in the Trump orbit
Also naja, bei Mnuchin würde es schon ein paar Tage dauern, bis er auf diese Weise pleite geht. Außer, wenn er so ein Milliardär ist wie das weltgrößte Geschäfts-schenie - aber dann wär's auch egal.

Nun okay, das ist böse. Wir haben ja hier auch schon mal erfahren, dass die Gerichtskosten die armen Trumpisten bankrott machen.
They could also uh .... comply with the subpoenas?


Zitat von: celsus am 13. Mai 2019, 10:21:57Was macht man denn am besten mit dem ganzen Geld?

ZitatSergio Siano:
My MAGAt neighbor donated to the fraudulent 'Build the Wall' GoFundMe. I told him the fund was illegal; he said "we'll see."

I told him that Brian Kolfage used $1 million of it to buy a yacht. He said "you're lying."

I showed him proof and he said "Well, he deserves a yacht."

Sie sind verloren. doomed, wie der Amerikaner sagt.


ZitatTom Nichols:
I am watching the president talk about the economy, and as usual, it is a bizarre, Rain Main-like reliance on stock phrases like "greatest ever"and "in the history of our country" and "its a great thing" and "Hillary Clinton." #FiveMinutesToWapner

Except the Rainman actually made money in a casino.

Die ersten subpoenas sind vor Gericht.
Zitat[Richter] MEHTA says he will *not* be ruling from the bench today on the Trump / Mazars lawsuit.

MEHTA: "Say for example if a president had a financial interest in a particular piece of legislation that was being considered ... in your view Congress could not investigate whether a president has a conflict of interest?

[Anwalt des Präsidenten] CONSOVOY: "It would lack legitimate legislative purpose."

Neal Katyal [Supreme Court lawyer; law professor; Former Acting Solicitor General of United States]:
My god. Have these people read the Constitution, Federalist Papers, anything?


Zu #4437
ZitatBlake News:
AP, WSJ running with single "U.S. official" blaming Iran for the tanker attacks. Notable that the NYT, WaPo are not.
Ja, es stellt sich raus: wenn die gesamte Presse der Enemy ist, dann ist es schwieriger, mediale Feuerkraft zu mobilisieren.


ZitatTake, for instance, this tweet from Wednesday morning: "Republicans shouldn't vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn't treat Native Americans equally!"
Das ist ein sattes Stück Korruption, ausführlicher erklärt z. B. hier:
Nicht weiter der Rede wert.


Warum will eigentlich Donald Jr nicht vor dem Senat aussagen? Seine Anwälte fürchten eine ,,perjury trap" (vielleicht mit ,,Meineidsfalle" zu übersetzen). Wasn das? Angry Staffer erklärt's:
Zitat[it] means that he can't remember what BS he told them last time and he's afraid he won't be able to repeat it.

Und noch etwas juristische Weisheit aus WP dazu:
ZitatNo US federal court has ever accepted a motion to dismiss because of claimed perjury trap. [2] The defense is extremely difficult, [...]


ZitatMarco Rubio

How can I repay the LORD for all the great good done for me?

Psalms 116-12


By resigning.

Und zu #4434, weil wir gerade dabei sind:
Zitat#LindseyGrahamResign trends on Twitter
The hashtag quickly gained momentum online, with more than 65,000 people using it on Twitter.


ZitatAlabama Senate passes near-total abortion ban
Democrats re-introduced an amendment to exempt rape and incest victims, but the motion failed on an 11-21 vote.

ALT-immigration Out of F** to give:
Alabama... Napoleon sold you for coins for a reason.

Dazu passend:
ZitatMuslim state lawmaker gets 'Sharia Law' question at town hall
Samirah recalled that he was asked by an attendee, "How do you plan to implement Sharia Law in Virginia?"
In Alabama müsste diese Frage nicht mehr gestellt werden, da ist die Scharia schon da.


ZitatElizabeth Warren turned down a Fox News invitation Tuesday for a televised town hall and denounced the cable network as a "hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists."
"A Fox News town hall adds money to the hate-for-profit machine. To which I say: hard pass," she wrote in a Twitter thread. "Fox News is welcome to come to my events just like any other outlet."

Klare harte Worte. Andere demokratische Kandidaten (einschließlich Sanders) haben sich darauf eingelassen, bei Fox aufzutreten.

Ich mache keine Anstrengungen, systematisch zu erfassen, worum es den einzelnen Kandidaten geht (und ich glaube nicht, dass ich mich da von der großen Mehrzahl der Amerikaner unterscheide). Elizabeth Warren imponiert mir aber am meisten. Ihre Politikvorschläge sind durchdacht und gegenfinanziert (natürlich nicht in der gleichen Weise gegenfinanziert wie die der Republikaner  8)).

Elizabeth Warren hat den Mueller-Report komplett gelesen, und danach gefordert, diesen Präsidenten aus dem Amt zu jagen. Sie hat nicht erst mal geguckt, wie der Report so politisch bei den Magioten einschlägt, und was für sie selbst dabei rauskommt.

Ihre Chancen gewählt zu werden, sind nicht hoch: ihr fehlt das Salbungsvolle, das Biden oder Buttigieg verströmen (man könnte auch "Charisma" dazu sagen). Z. B. Buttigieg:

ZitatChris Meagher:
DM me

Carlos Maza:
Pete Buttigieg's press secretary reaching out to Dave Rubin. Absolute madness.
David Rubin? WP: "A 2018 report from Data & Society described Rubin as part of a network on YouTube that amplified far-right politics" usw.

Und zu Pocahontas nur: ich habe irgendwo gelesen, dass sie in ihrer Jugend eine Konservative gewesen ist.


ZitatDuring speech to energy workers in Louisiana, Trump pivots from touting America's energy independence ("We don't need anybody") [...]

Fakt-Check: Falsch.
ZitatSince the ban on U.S. oil exports was lifted in 2015, we also ship a lot around the world; in late November we exported 3.2 million barrels a day. But we also imported 7.2 million barrels a day, for a net import of 4.0 million barrels a day. That's the key number.


Zitat#BREAKING: The State Department has ordered all non-emergency employees to leave Iraq "as soon as possible", and has also suspended visa services in Iraq.
Im Iran gibt es vermutlich keine amerikanischen Beschäftigten, die zu evakuieren wären. Bedeutung? Thoughts and Prayers. Einzige Hoffnung ist, dass sich die isolationistischen Instinkte gegen die aggressiven Instinkte durchsetzen. Shanahan ist kein Mattis, habe ich eben gelesen. Gegen Bolton und Pompeo hat er keine Chance, selbst wenn er anderer Ansicht wäre.

ZitatReport suggests planners think a massive cruise missile strike on day 1 would cause Iran to negotiate.  AAAGHGH.  Have these idiots read a newspaper in the last 25 years, let alone studied history?
Um UN-Sicherheitsrat o. ä., wie seinerzeit noch Bush, wird man sich gar nicht erst bemühen.


Damals, noch ohne Bolton und Pompeo; mit Tillerson, McMaster und Mattis (vgl. #4428):
Zitat von: Peiresc am 25. April 2017, 06:37:17
ZitatRogue POTUS Staff  @RoguePOTUSStaff vor 6 Stunden
We indicated this a week ago. Military conflict is more likely than not.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 15. Mai 2019, 09:40:18... Military conflict is more likely than not.
Warum nur fällt mir dabei spontan "Wag the Dog" ein?


Zitat von: RainerO am 15. Mai 2019, 09:54:21
Zitat von: Peiresc am 15. Mai 2019, 09:40:18... Military conflict is more likely than not.
Warum nur fällt mir dabei spontan "Wag the Dog" ein?

Zitat von: WPDie Tageszeitung Die Welt meint: ,,Wag the Dog ist eine vergnügliche Erinnerung an unsere Medienmanipulierbarkeit [...]
Meine Hervorhebung. Das war 1997. Nachrichten wie von einem andern Stern.


In Wirklichkeit ist ihnen der Embryo egal:
ZitatChambliss*, responding to the IVF argument from Smitherman, cites a part of the bill that says it applies to a pregnant woman. "The egg in the lab doesn't apply. It's not in a woman. She's not pregnant." #alpolitics

Life begins at conception but only when someone can be punished for conceiving.
This seems revealing. Come to cases, it's about controlling the woman, not sacralizing the embryo.

*Clyde Chambliss, republikanischer Senator von Alabama.



a baby to be ripped from the mother's womb moments after birth. Noch einmal auf deutsch: ein Baby, dass der Mutter nach der Entbindung aus dem Leibe gerissen werden soll.

Fucking moron.


Zu #4445
ZitatMika Brzezinski hits Warren for rejecting Fox News town hall: You should be able to "walk into any fire"
Thema verfehlt, würde ich sagen.

ZitatFarnaz Fassihi [Senior Writer @WSJ]:
I ran the Journal's Baghdad bureau for four years when mortars, car bombs & stray bullets targeted the Green Zone & US embassy several times a day. State Dept. didn't evacuate staff.

ZitatMajor Gen. Chris Ghika, the deputy commander of a U.S.-led coalition battling ISIS, told The New York Times that "there has been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq or Syria."

GOP lawmakers say they are more inclined to trust American intelligence sources but feel frustrated [...]
GOP lawmakers trust American intelligence sources. Der Witz des Jahrhunderts.


John Harwood interviewt Jerrold Nadler.

ZitatJerry Nadler: Certainly on many issues, you have to deal with the specifics. And the larger issue – well, you've got three issues, really.
It starts off with, this president and his campaign. If you read the Mueller report, there was tons of evidence that they knew the Russians were interfering with the election on their behalf. They welcomed it, they wanted it, and they coordinated with it. Colluded, in a word. There's no question about that.
John Harwood: Do you believe, in fact, that the president is compromised by Russia?

Jerry Nadler: Trump was saying throughout the campaign, "I have no dealings in Russia. I have no dealings of whatever kind." We now know that in fact, they were negotiating for Trump Tower Moscow right to the end of the campaign. They were lying and lying about it. Putin knew that they were having these negotiations. He knew that Trump was lying to the American people about it, and that gave him leverage, because he could have revealed that during the campaign. Whether there is leverage now, I don't know. There are a lot of questions.
John Harwood: I had the lunch the other day with Bill Cohen, who was a young Republican congressman during the Nixon impeachment process. He said he thinks Trump deserves impeachment, and that what we're seeing now from Trump is worse than anything Nixon ever did. Do you agree with that?

Jerry Nadler: Yeah, I do. Nixon never posed the kind of existential challenge to separation of powers and to limited government that Trump does.

Das sagt kein unbeteiligter Zuschauer, sondern ein Akteur, von dem viel abhängt. Warum kein Impeachment? Um es kurz zu machen:
ZitatJohn Harwood: Do you think if the president were impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate, it would boost his reelection prospects?
Jerry Nadler: It might very well.

Es kommt mir ein wenig vor, als starrten sie auf die Trumpisten wie das Kaninchen auf die Schlange. Wie wollen sie die Demokratie retten, wenn sie immer wieder einknicken?