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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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ZitatThe Washington Post CONFIRMED that Jared Kushner was completely denied a security clearance last year. Trump then personally overrode that decision and gave Kushner a clearance.

Die kürzeste Fassung von dem, was es dazu zu sagen gibt, hier:

(was natürlich nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt ist - aber exemplarisch)


Ah, den noch:
ZitatMueller and his team did far more than that — they made summaries of EACH section, for immediate release to the public. They said the evidence on obstruction against Trump was "alarming."


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I support release of the Mueller report
07:13 - 4. Apr. 2019

Ungläubiges Staunen im Publikum:
ZitatWas your Twitter hacked?



ZitatAlt. U.S. Press Sec.
I've read every book Steve Bannon has ever publicly recommended. I've watched every one of his public addressses and documentaries. I've read think tank, financial firm, and defense analyses of "populism." I've watched dozens of Trump rallies and speeches.

I now know my enemy.

I don't use that word "enemy" lightly. Republicans of the old style were my opponents.

These people have a vision that includes the destruction of the United States as we know it. Thus, they are my enemies.

Someone asked what the most important insight I gained was, and after thinking it through I have it better formed: Bannon sees non-violent protest as a weapon of war, and would not hesitate to order to shoot into an unarmed crowd, if unconstrained by other leaders.
Ich vertraue Alt. U.S. Press Sec. Natürlich habe ich keinen Nerv, das nachzuvollziehen. Aber was ich bisher weiß, widerspricht dem nicht.

In der Diskussion im Feed wird dieses Buch erwähnt.
Insbesondere das extrem rechte Milieu beruft sich seither gerne auf das Buch: nicht nur Marine Le Pen in Frankreich, sondern auch Stephen Bannon, bis August 2017 politischer Chefstratege Donald Trumps, zitiert das Buch häufig.[33][34]

Glücklicherweise ist Bannon momentan nicht aktuell:

Er könnte einem direkt sympathisch werden, der Herr Präsident (wenn es auch nichts gibt, das garantiert, dass er nicht wieder auf Bannon kommt).


ZitatThe Washington Post
Trump backs off threat to close southern border immediately, says he'll give Mexico 'one-year warning' on drugs, migrants
Tiger -> Bettvorleger. Aber mit der nächsten Schnapsidee ist stündlich zu rechnen.


NBC, Ken Dilanian:
Zitat"We're hearing from a separate U.S. official that some members of the Mueller team say that the evidence on collusion, while not establishing a criminal conspiracy, is actually very compelling.
Ich übersetze: Trump ist dringend verdächtig, ein russischer Spion zu sein (auf der Treppe in #4268 weit, weit oben).

Ken Dilanian war noch vor wenigen Tagen voll auf Barr-Linie und hatte die Russland-Geschichte für abgehakt erklärt. Nunmehr:
Zitat"Some of it may be classified, but to the extent we get to see it, Mueller's report talks about those contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia, and raises the issue as to whether the Trump campaign was manipulated by a sophisticated Russian intelligence operation," Dilanian added. "We need to see the report. The Barr summary, by many accounts, did not quite do it justice."


Die Sache mit den Orangen (falls jemand ein Mem mit blonden Orangen und gefletschten Zähnen sieht und sich fragt, was das soll):
ZitatHere's Trump today trying to say the word "origins," and instead he keeps saying the word "oranges." Over and over and over again.

Oder hier:
ZitatIn this 70 second video clip, Trump says the word "deal" at least 14 times

ZitatPatton Oswalt:
Jesus fucking Christ. My grandfather started talking like this and afterward there was a family meeting and we hired a nurse to check on him at his home.
Für meine Begriffe: eine wirkliche Demenz oder eine zweifelsfreie Aphasie ist das noch nicht. Aber das Haften, die verminderte Umstellfähigkeit, könnte schon auf eine beginnende kognitive Störung hindeuten.


Da bekommt Gerontokratie eine völlig neue Ebene^^


ZitatDonald J. Trump
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The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can't stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Josh Dawsey:
used to be the "fake news" is the enemy. then "the mainstream media" is the enemy. now "the press."
Und auch die Richter gehören abgeschafft: "we have to get rid of judges".

Was ist die nächste Umdrehung auf dieser Schraube? Die Galaxis ist der Feind.


ZitatRick Wilson:
The deliciousness of having Trump's tax returns in the hands on Congress in the next week is almost unspeakable.

To quote a hedge fund friend, "He's not a billionaire...*I'm* a billionaire. Trump is a clown living on credit."
(aber ich denk' mal, nächste Woche wird es noch nicht so weit sein)

ZitatOcasio-Cortez responds to Trump calling her "young bartender": The "last guy who underestimated me lost"

Cool. Selbstbewusst, unangepisst. Egal was sie für linke Flitze hat: sie hat Talent.

Innenpolitisch läufts grad nicht so. Kommen wir zur Außenpolitik.
ZitatSam Vinograd
** North Korea has more WMD [d. i. Weapon of mass destruction]  today than when @realDonaldTrump took office. And arguably US force readiness is lower because we've canceled joint military exercises.
(Ich habe die entsprechende Meldung nicht gesehen, aber Sam Vinograd ist seriös).

Dieweil ist John Bolton schaurig traurig:
ZitatBolton Builds Anti-China Campaign at the U.N.
The U.S. national security advisor, who has largely ignored the United Nations, is suddenly concerned that Beijing has too much influence there.
Der Einfluss Chinas in der UN nimmt zu, wenn sich die USA zurückziehen. Wer hätte denn das auch ahnen können.

ZitatSimply put, the Trump administration has frittered away its ability to cow or coerce anyone on the global stage. It is not just that the rest of the world hates Donald Trump; it is that they neither respect nor fear him.



Trump criticizing " bad court decision" Reno V. Flores

"Judge Flores, whoever you may be, that decision is a disaster for our country"

You ignorant turd, Judge Flores is Jenny Lisette Flores, then an unaccompanied 15-year old girl from El Salvador.

Dumb orange turd
Mit Videoclip.

Zitat.@realDonaldTrump on people asking for asylum "These aren't people. These are animals."
Mit Videoclip. Die Sprache des Genozids.


Zitat von: Icerail am 03. April 2019, 12:28:03Also kannst du mir mal bitte Aussagen des US Präsidenten zitieren die:
4. "Schwarze"/"Latinos" zur Vernunft bringen (Was für eine rassistische Scheisse)
Bei nochmaliger Überlegung: die Formulierung ist in der Tat angreifbar. ,,Verrecken lassen" trifft es besser.
ZitatPresident Donald Trump this week continued attacking disaster relief for Puerto Rico in the wake of two devastating hurricanes
Die Gesetzgebung steckt fest.


ZitatMolly Jong-Fast:
Which long dead celebrity do you wish had twitter?

Without comment on whether he was actually the son of god: Jesus.

Can you imagine how many "Christians" on this website he would absolutely fucking pimp slap?
Das Generalthema des großen Philosophen der Frühaufklärung, Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), war die Unabhängigkeit der Moral von der Religion.

Christentum und Christentum ist zweierlei.
Zitat@realDonaldTrump on people asking for asylum "These aren't people. These are animals."

James Martin, SJ
This is the language used by Nazis against Jews ("vermin"), Hutus against Tutsis ("cockroaches") and American slaveowners against slaves ("animals"). Once you've labeled people as animals, violence, murder and genocide will follow. Every person, every migrant, is a child of God.


Das Scheuerlappengeschwader:
ZitatThe Associated Press
AP has deleted a tweet from late Wednesday on Trump's "animals" comment about immigrants because it wasn't made clear that he was speaking after a comment about gang members.

Das ist er, der Kontext:

Und natürlich ist das eine Phrase, die in jedem Kontext entsetzlich ist.


Mit 5 sec Videoclip. Verstanden, was er gesagt hat? Nein? Das liegt nicht an Deinen Ohren, und auch nicht an Deinen Englisch-Kenntnissen. Es ist Silbensalat.

Die Einschläge werden immer dichter.

ZitatDays after falsely claiming his father was born in Germany, Trump suggests his father was from Brooklyn. (Fred Trump was actually born in the Bronx.)
Trump describes US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman as "like a wonderful, beautiful baby."
Trump says the quiet part loud, tells the Republican Jewish Coalition that "some of you won't like this, maybe, but I would love to see peace in the Middle East."

ZitatSpeaking to the American Republican Jewish Coalition, Trump refers to Bibi Netanyahu as "your prime minister"
Aaron Rupar ist wirklich für seinen Dienst an der Öffentlichkeit zu danken. So kann hinterher keiner sagen, ,,hat er gar nicht gesagt", ,,war ganz anders gemeint", ,,die bösen Dems lügen"  u. ä. (aber das ist nur eine rhetorische Floskel: natürlich wird das hinterher trotzdem gesagt).

ZitatBrandon Friedman:
Reporters need to ask Trump basic questions he can't answer. It'll bring this crisis to a head much faster.

"Can you show us Israel on this map?"
"Are American Jews Israelis?"
"What is the difference between Jews and Christians?"
"What is an Israeli settlement. Where are they?"

Other questions that are relevant, newsworthy and important for Americans to know their president can answer:

-Are Puerto Ricans U.S. citizens?
-What is a vaccine?
-How does insurance work?
-What does the 1st Amendment protect?
-Were there any positive aspects of the Holocaust?

Ich habe das düstere Gefühl, dass das kein Spott ist.