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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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ZitatDonald J. Trump
Verifizierter Account

Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election! Where is the DNC Server, and why didn't Shady James Comey and the now disgraced FBI agents take and closely examine it? Why isn't Hillary/Russia being looked at? So many questions, so much corruption!

Natasha Bertrand:
Despite his own intelligence and national security chiefs confirming that Russia interfered in the 2016 election—and warning that it will do so again in the midterms—Trump still appears to doubt it.

Also bitte. Er zweifelt nicht im geringsten. Welchen Grund sollte er dazu haben? Und er hat nicht den geringsten Grund dazu, einen Einfluss der Russen bei den midterms zu verhindern; ganz im Gegenteil.


Was gibt's neues von der Kongress-Untersuchung der Russland-Untersuchung? Nichts:
ZitatNadler and Cummings call on Goodlatte and Gowdy to release transcript of unclassified Peter Strzok interview: "We believe the American people should be allowed to see today's unclassified transcript so they can see the Republicans' desperation for themselves."
An der Strzok-Geschichte ist einzig wichtig, dass er "gezwungen" wurde auszusagen; was er zu sagen hatte ist unwichtig. Das war schon mit mehreren Anhörungen so.

Und was gibt's neues von der Russland-Untersuchung?
ZitatMueller's new filing reveals that Paul Manafort had a $10 million loan from Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska while he was serving as Donald Trump's campaign chairman, according to Reuters. Why does this matter? In Manafort's case, it speaks to his motivation when he emailed Deripaska asking if there was a way he could use his position in the campaign to "get whole." In Trump's case, it demonstrates something else.
(meine Hervorhebung)


ZitatIn one extraordinary riff during his meeting with the G7 heads of state earlier this month in Quebec, Trump told the other leaders: "NATO is as bad as NAFTA." An official read this quote to me from notes transcribed from the private meeting.
Wenigstens erfahren es die Staatschefs nicht aus der Zeitung. Obwohl: in seinem BILD-Interview im Januar 2017 war schon die Rede davon, dass die NATO "obsolet" sei.

Noch ein bisschen Skurrilität dazu, aus dem nächsten Link bei Axios:
ZitatThe Polish senator and secretary of state Anna Maria Anders — a supporter of President Trump — told me: "We are worried. Definitely worried," about the Trump-Putin summit. "Because you can't predict what is going to be said...Putin can be extremely charming and it's a question of how our president will react." (Yes, she referred to Trump as "our" president. More on that below.)
Fun fact: It's not a typo above. The Polish senator Anders did inadvertently refer to Trump as "our" president. Anders is unusual in that she holds U.S. as well as Polish citizenship. She owns property in the U.S. and says she voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Poland is also one of the few NATO nations to meet its defense commitments. So her concerns — which she says are mirrored across the Polish government — may carry extra weight.
Alle ersterbende Bewunderung der Polen nutzt nichts, sie werden Putin nicht ausstechen können.


Dieweil eilt der Präsident wieder mal von Rekord zu Rekord.
ZitatTrump made an astonishing 103 false claims over those seven days, an average of 15 per day. That shatters his one-week record of 60, which he had set in early March.
Aber das ist inzwischen keine Schlagzeile mehr.


Die Rosenstein-Wray-Anhörung spare ich mir, weil der fallout noch unklar ist. Die Trump-Partei (inzwischen identisch mit der GOP) versucht jetzt mit der Brechstange, die Mueller-Untersuchung zu killen. Das eigentliche Ergebnis dabei ist, dass von den einstigen Abweichlingen keinerlei Widerrede mehr kommt.


ZitatFormer Fox News president Bill Shine has accepted a senior position in the Trump administration, a source with knowledge of the situation told CNN
Er wird wohl so was wie  communication's director, was der Titel von Hope Hicks gewesen ist.

ZitatSleeping Giants:
Fired from @foxnews for covering for sexual harassers and settling their lawsuits for them?

Have we got a job for you!
Das war nicht anno dunnemals, sondern vor einem Jahr.


ZitatSenator Cory Booker: "The president of the United States is a subject of an ongoing criminal investigation...that could end up before the Supreme Court," so any Trump SCOTUS nomination should be "delayed until the Mueller investigation is concluded."

Die Frage nach der Selbstabsolution hatten wir ja schon gestellt. Sie wird akut(er). Ich denke, dies wird die Konfliktlinie. Die Bemühungen der Trump-Partei, Mueller auszuknipsen, werden sich massiv verstärken und im gleichen Maß verdächtiger werden. Das Klima wird rauer werden, soweit das noch möglich ist.


ZitatDuring a private meeting at the White House in late April, Trump asked Emmanuel Macron, "Why don't you leave the E.U.?" and said that if France exited the union, Trump would offer it a trade deal, WaPo reports.

Aus den Kommentaren:

ZitatMacron replied " Mr. President, why dont YOU leave the US " ?


He really is Putin's puppet. He could not form this opinion on his own. He knows nothing about the E.U.  He isn't well read, he has no philosophical or ideological positions. He has lived his entire life for self-gratification only. This is a Putin position!

Putin's return on his investment, in one quote


In Annapolis, Maryland, sind 5 Journalisten in der Redaktion einer Lokalzeitung erschossen worden.
ZitatPresident Donald Trump has been briefed about the shooting, the White House said. "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene," the president said on Twitter.
Eine generische Antwort; so unspezifisch, dass keine Gelegenheit denkbar ist, zu der sie nicht passt. Dabei wurden doch nur Volksfeinde vernichtet. In Persona jedenfalls ist der Präsident stumm und hoheitsvoll an den fragenden Journalisten vorbeigeschritten (hier).

Kein Aufruf zu Mäßigung, kein "wir sind alle Amerikaner", nichts. Wenn sie ihn wirklich zu einer Antwort provoziert hätten, dann hätten sie wahrscheinlich zu hören gekriegt, dass Maxine Waters schuld ist (Hannity hat das gerade herausgefunden).

Hannity ist kurz davor zu verkünden, dass die Journalisten selber schuld sind, was reden sie auch so schlecht über den Präsidenten. Der selber hatte ja schon als Kandidat sein Mitgefühl mit von Terroristen ermordeten Journalisten kultiviert:
ZitatDonald J. Trump
Verifizierter Account

If the morons who killed all of those people at Charlie Hebdo would have just waited, the magazine would have folded - no money, no success!

06:13 - 14. Jan. 2015


ZitatBoeing unveiled plans for what could be the world's first hypersonic airliner, a sleek, futuristic-looking craft that the company said would be capable of flying five times the speed of sound. via @NBCNewsMACH
Ich bin sicher, die glauben das. Concorde, (Tu-144).


ZitatAmy Siskind:
Border Patrol has set up check points on Rt. I-95 in New Hampshire and Maine, and are asking people, "What country are you a citizen of?" We are a few steps from The Handmaids Tale.

Brian Stelter:
We are not "a few steps from The Handmaids Tale." I don't think this kind of fear-mongering helps anybody.

Jennifer Gunter:
Really? I've pulled a fetal skull out of an abdomen because a woman had a cheap abortion because a safe one was too expensive. Lying about abortion is law. That seems dystopian to me.

Zwar hat es schon vorher Inlandskontrollen gegeben, seit den 70ern. Es ist dennoch ein Unterschied.


Das ist alles so unfassbar grausam, da brauche ich zwischendurch auch mal sowas um ein wenig zu entspannen:


Ich würde gern auch mal was Positives berichten. Ich finde nichts.

ZitatBarring a major upset, next year there won't be a single House Republican who supports abortion rights.


ZitatDonald Trump blames Democrats for own immigration policy separating families


AltNSA: So I keep seeing people buying into the administrations bullshit that this is an old "law" that needs to be fixed. First off it is not and never has been a law.

Battle Child:
politiCRAP another liberal propaganda site.. Don't forget snopes too lol.. LIBERAL BS..

If it's bullshit what law is it? I've asked 20+ people so far and not a single one was able to provide any answer, they just ignore it and run. Can you break the cycle?
Kann er nicht, vor allem: will er nicht.


ZitatMnuchin says it is "very unfair" that the EU has put tariffs on other things in response to US steel and aluminum tariffs, calls it politically motivated.

Ja, was denn sonst, Herr Mnuchin?  :rofl2

aus den Kommentaren:
ZitatNext interview, please ask the follow up question - How were you not able to predict this response?
Also, "Mr. Mnuchin, is this the level of analysis that a degree from Yale offers?"
His Dudeness
These people hold public office?! These are "the best people" Trump could find. SMDH

[Dazu ein hübsches animated gif]
[Hier noch eins: ]
Yes, everything is SO UNFAIR to the Donald and his merry band of whiners.


Das Weiße Haus macht sich mal wieder zum Gespött der Welt:
ZitatThe White House is scrambling to figure out how a prank call from a comedian who pretended to be Sen. Robert Menendez managed to get a return phone call from the president, a person inside the White House said Friday.

The person inside the White House said the call was routed to the president by the president's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and that it was not routed through the office of legislative affairs, which had no record of Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, trying to connect with the president.

And while legislative affairs got notified of the call and subsequently tried to kill it after learning from Menendez's chief of staff that the senator was not trying to reach Trump, the call was still put through, the person said.
Das Verbindende zwischen Grausamkeit und Lächerlichkeit ist die Arroganz.


NYT von heute.
ZitatMr. Rosenstein did not engage with Mr. Sessions as he deliberated whether to appoint a special counsel.

On the afternoon that Mr. Mueller's appointment was announced, Mr. Sessions was in the Oval Office with the president discussing candidates to be F.B.I. director when they both learned that Mr. Rosenstein had made his decision. Mr. Trump erupted in anger, saying he needed someone overseeing the investigation who would be loyal to him. Mr. Sessions offered to resign.

Mr. Sessions felt blindsided by Mr. Rosenstein's decision. After leaving the White House, Mr. Sessions's chief of staff, Jody Hunt, confronted Mr. Rosenstein, demanding to know why he had not given them advance warning, according to a lawyer briefed on the exchange. Mr. Rosenstein has told others that he was worried at the time he would be fired by the president.
So wird ein Schuh draus. Der Zorn ist vollkommen verständlich. Er hatte sich das so schön ausgemalt: Sein Komplize und Lakai beaufsichtigt die Untersuchung - und dann läuft das aus dem Ruder.


Zum Ausgleich wieder was Lustiges.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 29. Juni 2018, 22:24:12
So wird ein Schuh draus. Der Zorn ist vollkommen verständlich. Er hatte sich das so schön ausgemalt: Sein Komplize und Lakai beaufsichtigt die Untersuchung - und dann läuft das aus dem Ruder.

Wenn die Untersuchung irgendwas gebracht hätte, wäre es längst bekannt und Trump abgesetzt.
Das ist ein Hinweis, dass nichts an den Vorwürfen dran ist.
Im Gegenteil, die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass es in den leitenden FBI-Positionen erheblichen Bias gegen Trump gab - McCabe hat deswegen seinen Job verloren und muss mit juristischen Konsequenzen rechnen und Strzok ist auch nicht vom Haken.

In dem aufgeheiztem politischen Klima in den USA wird diese Untersuchung Trump am Ende sogar nutzen - die Kongressbefragungen werden mindestens bis zu den Midterms weitergehen und irgendwann muss selbst Mueller seinen Bericht abliefern.

Das ist der Boomerang.