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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Zitat von: Typee am 10. Dezember 2018, 09:56:56
"I would prefer not to."

Das ist natürlich nur Solidarität mit seinem Freund, s. #3501

Der aktuell "heißeste" Kandidat: Mark Meadows.

Noch mehr Kommentare:
ZitatAlt. U.S. Press Sec.:
That office will eat Meadows alive.
Muhammad bin Salman for Chief of Staff.
andy lassner:
BREAKING: The next White House Chief of Staff will be the first person who says yes


ZitatDonald J. Trump
Verifizierter Account

"Democrats can't find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey's testimony. No Smocking Gun...No Collusion." @FoxNews  That's because there was NO COLLUSION. So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution,...

03:46 - 10. Dez. 2018

What are you smocking, Donnie?


Es wird enger, und so sind die Trumpologeten mal wieder gefordert. Z. B.
Kevin R. Brock,
But we now know that Comey and his Deputy Andrew McCabe unilaterally initiated that case largely based on, in Comey's own words, a "salacious and unverified" dossier paid for by Trump's opponent's campaign. Hardly sufficient predication to open an FBI case.
Aber "unbestätigt" ist nicht das Gleiche wie "widerlegt", und ,,anzüglich" ist kein Hinderungsgrund, sondern geradezu die Aufforderung zu einer Untersuchung (weil sie Erpressbarkeit impliziert). Ansonsten hat er noch ,,but Hillary" auf Lager.

Oder Jonathan Turley,
First and foremost, Trump is correct that the alleged campaign finance violation has nothing to do with the original purpose of the Russia investigation. This investigation has jumped the rails, and it is not clear where it is headed.
Diese Anklage ist aber gar nicht von Mueller, sondern von der New Yorker Staatsanwaltschaft. Wie konnte Turley das nur übersehen?  :gruebel


ZitatHouse GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy states that if campaign finance crimes are a violation then lots of Congressmen (probably in his caucus) will have to go.
(mit Videoclip)

Das ist schon eine sehr eigentümliche Art der Verteidigung. Wenn unser Chef geblitzt wurde, kann er nicht belangt werden, weil wir alle zu schnell fahren.

Es geht hier um eine Straftat. Die naheliegende Frage ist: Mr McCarthy, sollten Sie nicht genauer werden? Welcher Parlamentarier verstößt denn noch so gegen Gesetze?

Das ist der (zukünftige) Oppositionsführer im Repräsentantenhaus.


Noch ein Nachtrag zu "salacious and unverified": das kam so wie oben (#3872) zitiert auch im Nunes-Memo vor, aber das war schon eine subtile Fälschung.
ZitatWhat we found in the public record suggests a more limited assertion under oath by Comey -- that he'd said portions of the memo were "salacious and unverified," not the whole thing.
(meine Hervorhebung).


Die republikanischen Kämpfer gegen den liberal bias.
Zitat.@LamarSmithTX21: You've never punished a Google employee for manipulating search results, is that right?
GOOGLE CEO SUNDAR PICHAI: It's not even possible for an individual employee to do that.
SMITH: I disagree. I think humans can manipulate the process.
"Wann haben Sie aufgehört, Ihre Frau zu schlagen". Lamar Smith? Ja, der: #525Head of the House Science Committee.

ZitatGoogle CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday found himself having to explain why his company's search engine retrieves photos of President Donald Trump when a user enters in a search for the word "idiot."

"We provide search today for any time you type in a keyword... we have gone out and stored copies of billions of pages in our index, and we take the keyword and match it against the pages and rank them based on over 200 signals," Pichai replied. "Things like relevance, freshness, popularity, how other people are using it. And based on that, you know, at any given time, we try to find the best results for that query."

ZitatAfter @SteveKingIA raises inscrutable concerns about iPhones, Google CEO Sunday Pichai patiently informs him, "Congressman, iPhone is made by a different company."
Zitat.@tedlieu, after typing "Steve King" into Google: "To some of my colleagues across the aisle, if you're getting bad press articles and bad search results, don't blame Google or Facebook or Twitter, consider blaming yourself."


ZitatEstranged Trump supporter Ann Coulter on Tuesday lashed out at President Donald Trump for blatantly lying about having built large sections of his proposed border wall:

On Twitter, Coulter posted a link to a fact-check article from the Washington Post that took the president to task for falsely claiming that much of the wall had already been built.
Ann Coulter: Even a Washington Post reporter knows that not 1 inch of Trump's wall has been built.  Does Trump think his supporters are dumber than a WaPo reporter?
ZitatClaude Taylor:


ZitatGoogle CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday found himself having to explain why his company's search engine retrieves photos of President Donald Trump when a user enters in a search for the word "idiot."

Frau Streisand hat das mal ausprobiert:

Überhaupt scheint das eine ziemliche Karnevalsveranstaltung gewesen zu sein.

ZitatAfter @SteveKingIA raises inscrutable concerns about iPhones, Google CEO Sunday Pichai patiently informs him, "Congressman, iPhone is made by a different company."
The best thing about science is that it works - even if you don't believe in it.


Nancy Pelosi* und Chuck Shumer haben einen Propagandasieg über Trump gelandet. (Mehr Details z. B. hier. Trump hat sich und seine Recken total in den Regen gestellt.) Während beide gelassen und freundlich aus dem Weißen Haus geschlendert sind, hat Trump mit einem Ordner geworfen.

Zitatandrew kaczynski:
How does Schumer manage to keep his glasses on his face while wearing them at this angle.

Chuck Schumer:
A magician never reveals his secrets.

* Pelosi konnte sogar ein bisschen Mütterlichkeit andeuten mit dem Bemühen, den Präsidenten nicht vorzuführen  ;D (NB: nicht umsonst wird sie sich, trotz ihres Alters, als Majority Leader durchsetzen).


ZitatSoon-to-be Congressman Mark Green, a physician, warned constituents last night vaccines may be causing autism. He says he's going to "stand on the CDC's desk and get the real data on vaccines."

Not only did Republican Mark Green, a Congressman-elect from Clarksville who is also a medical doctor, express hesitation about the CDC's stance on vaccines, he also said he believed the federal health agency has "fraudulently managed" the data.

Alles hängt mit allem zusammen:
ZitatGreen previously made controversial comments on Muslims, LGBT people



Eine developing story, aber ich gebe schon mal den Zwischenstand in Echtzeit:
ZitatDonald J. Trump
Verifizierter Account

I never directed Michael Cohen to break the law. He was a lawyer and he is supposed to know the law. It is called "advice of counsel," and a lawyer has great liability if a mistake is made. That is why they get paid. Despite that many campaign finance lawyers have strongly......
The president is not disputing that he had Michael Cohen make payments to women in order to keep them quiet about their allegations. He's disputing that he told him to break the law while doing so.
NARRATOR: Prosecutors say Trump directed Michael Cohen to break the law
Presidential Panic Level: 11 out of 10 on the Manafort Scale
Asha Rangappa:
I'll give you some free advice of counsel: STOP TWEETING, DUDE


Zitat von: Peiresc am 13. Dezember 2018, 10:11:36
Alles hängt mit allem zusammen:
ZitatGreen previously made controversial comments on Muslims, LGBT people

Bei genauerer Überlegung: das ist nicht ganz richtig. Das ist die holistische These. Die treffendere Formulierung wäre die des Systemismus:
ZitatDen Mittelweg zwischen Atomismus (,,Jedes Ding geht seinen eigenen Weg") und Holismus (,,Jedes Ding hängt mit allen anderen Dingen zusammen") nennen wir Systemismus: ,,Jedes Ding hängt mit einigen anderen Dingen zusammen."

- Mario Bunge, Über die Natur der Dinge


Der Verfall der Konservativen, in a nutshell:
ZitatSusan Simpson:
I would like to step back and point out how WILD it it that the president is tweeting, "I directed my attorney to pay hush money just weeks before the election to the porn star I cheated on my wife with," and Republicans are responding, "See, the president is vindicated!"
Jake Tapper:
* porn star WITH WHOM I cheated on my wife

Let's not abandon all standards, people


ZitatDonald J. Trump
Verifizierter Account


08:08 - 13. Dez. 2018
Das wird wohl auf seinem Grabstein stehen. BTW,
BREAKING: Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina admits to engaging in conspiracy against US - @CNN

David Frum:
Witch hunt catches another witch


And Now for Something Completely Different

ZitatJUST IN: Former @ApprenticeNBC staffer, @CaslerNoel, says Donald Trump is a "speed freak" who crushes up Adderall* and snorts it

Casler says Trump invited teen beauty pageant contestants up to his suite: "He would line up the girls on the side of the stage & he would inspect them.. He'd be like, 'You, you, & you, if you want to win I'm in the penthouse suite, come and see me'"
*Adderall® ist ein Arzneimittel, das eine Mischung von Salzen von Dexamphetamin und Amphetamin enthält

ZitatBetter than sticking a cigar up an intern.

Mein Kommentar: salacious and unverified.  8)