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Begonnen von Conina, 28. Februar 2022, 20:24:12

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(At Bhaal Temple)
Karlach: What a pesthole! Can't wait to clear this place out.
Minsc: There will be much trading of threats and insults, no doubt. But Minsc will be ready when it is time for boot to meet butt.
Karlach: You and me both, pal.


ZitatAfter russia began deconserving its T-54 tanks manufactured in late 1940s, they also decided to create a division of WWII era T-34s. The plan is to take them down from pedestals in towns and cities across the country.
Abramses, Leopards and Challengers must be really scared now...
(At Bhaal Temple)
Karlach: What a pesthole! Can't wait to clear this place out.
Minsc: There will be much trading of threats and insults, no doubt. But Minsc will be ready when it is time for boot to meet butt.
Karlach: You and me both, pal.


Zitat von: RPGNo1 am 28. März 2023, 12:47:36
ZitatAfter russia began deconserving its T-54 tanks manufactured in late 1940s, they also decided to create a division of WWII era T-34s. The plan is to take them down from pedestals in towns and cities across the country.
Abramses, Leopards and Challengers must be really scared now...

Das ist ja inzwischen wie in Trumps Amerika: Satire und Propaganda sind nicht mehr sicher zu unterscheiden.

Max P

Vielleicht sollte man die ein oder zwei sowjetischen WKII-Panzer, die in Berlin noch von Ruhm und Sieg der Roten Armee künden, an die Ukraine zwecks Aufarbeitung und Nutzung übergeben. Oder wäre das eine unangebracht sarkastische Geste?  ;D  :gruebel


ZitatUkrainische Soldaten bedrohen und beschießen Frau samt Kind? Kreml-Propaganda blamiert sich mit inszeniertem Video
(At Bhaal Temple)
Karlach: What a pesthole! Can't wait to clear this place out.
Minsc: There will be much trading of threats and insults, no doubt. But Minsc will be ready when it is time for boot to meet butt.
Karlach: You and me both, pal.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 13. März 2023, 13:32:20
ZitatMasha is 10. Her art teacher asked her class to draw pro-war pictures. Masha drew an anti-war one instead, writing "glory to Ukraine." Her teacher called the police. Now, her father's under home arrest & Masha's in an orphanage.


Edit: hier mehr Einzelheiten


Eine junge Frau aus Petersburg ist als Attentäterin auf Tatarsky festgenommen worden.

ZitatDarya: Some guy I never saw before paid me a $100 to deliver a box. 

Investigator: What did he look like?


(und unvernünftig ist das nicht; die Bombe kann durchaus eine Warnung an Prigoshin gewesen sein. So sind nun mal die Umgangsformen in Russland)


Ich sehe bereits ein neuen Netflix-Film. Intrigen, Komplotte und Mord der neue Polit-Thriller. Da werden noch einige Akteure aus dem Fenster fallen.

Max P


ZitatDmitry Medvedev @MedvedevRussiaE
Russia government official

1. Europe doesn't need Ukraine. The forced support of the Nazi regime, by the American mentor's order, has put Europeans into a financial and political inferno. All for the sake of bandera's unterukraine, that even the snobby, insolent Polacks don't take for a valid country, and time and again toss in the issue of its western areas anschluss. There's a nice perspective ahead: to permanently put the nouveau-Ukrainian blood-sucking parasites on the decrepit EU's arthritis-crippled neck. That'll be the final fall of Europe, once majestic, but robbed off by degeneration.
5. Russia doesn't need Ukraine. A threadbare quilt, torn, shaggy, and greasy. The new Malorossiya of 1991 is made up of the artificially cut territories, many of which are indigenously Russian, separated by accident in the 20th century. Millions of our compatriots live there, harassed for years by the Nazi Kiev regime. It is them who we defend in our special military operation, relentlessly eradicating the enemy. We don't need unterukraine. We need Big Great Russia.
Nobody on this planet needs such a Ukraine. That's why it will disappear

1:50 nachm. · 8. Apr. 2023 2,1 Mio.  Mal angezeigt


(At Bhaal Temple)
Karlach: What a pesthole! Can't wait to clear this place out.
Minsc: There will be much trading of threats and insults, no doubt. But Minsc will be ready when it is time for boot to meet butt.
Karlach: You and me both, pal.

Max P

ZitatHey there. We need to talk—again. You got over your fear of sending us tanks. But now we hear you're worried about sending us fighter jets. Worry no more.

Max P


Zitat von: Max P am 24. April 2023, 08:57:03"Verwandte aus Russland zu Besuch"

Das ist doch ÜBELSTER Rassismus. Ihr spielt immer die großen Faschismusgegner und jetzt feiert ihr sowas. Ukrainischer Faschismus ist wohl ok. Ukrainisches Hakenkreuz= gutes Hakenkreuz