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my first impression of esowatch is that the science here deserves explanation

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Begonnen von serkeini, 18. Juni 2020, 17:56:30

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"Willkommen auf dem Wiki der irrationalen Überzeugungssysteme"

Interesting...I may have just figured it out.

Ja, es scheint dass "Esowatch" ein irrationalies Überzeugungssystem ist.

Can one make the argument that failure to distinguish between belief and fact makes one irrational? If so, then this blog is irrational.

Can you explain the science behind your beliefs?
Do you find calling certain "Überzeugungssysteme" irrational without an explanation of your grounds scientifically sound?


Why dont you just state which of your favourite ideas (homeopathy, MMS, 9/11 ..) we trampeled upon?


Esowatch creators (authors) use techniques and methods of rational evaluation. In this case they are trying to show fictional and irrational in such beliefs and statements. + Systems shoing a reality that usually differs drastically from those supported by some reliable scientific proofs.


Zitat von: Jyrki am 16. April 2021, 06:23:33
Esowatch creators (authors) use techniques and methods of rational evaluation. In this case they are trying to show fictional and irrational in such beliefs and statements. + Systems shoing a reality that usually differs drastically from those supported by some reliable scientific proofs.

Signaturspam, bitte weg damit!



Zitat von: Daggi am 16. April 2021, 19:17:23
Signaturspam: what??
Im Beitrag wird irgendetwas mehr oder weniger Sinnvolles (oder KI-generiertes) geblubbert
und in der Signatur steht ein Link, der geklickt werden will und auf allerlei Dubioses leitet.
Darum ist in dem Beitrag von Jyrki die Signatur jetzt auch gelöscht.


Zitat von: Foor1961 am 29. August 2023, 16:57:04The distinction between belief and fact is an important one. Beliefs are personal convictions or subjective understandings, often based on individual experiences, cultural influences, or personal perspectives. Facts, on the other hand, are objective and verifiable pieces of information that can be supported by evidence and are not influenced by personal opinions or biases.

Da hängt wohl wieder ein Signaturspam dran. Bitte den Link löschen. Ich glaube nicht, dass der Link auf etwas seriöses leitet.


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Ach, was weiß denn ich ...