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Fake News von Donald Trump

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Begonnen von Daggi, 18. Juni 2018, 16:07:44

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Zitat"President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP," stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2018
ZitatTrump appeared to be referencing remarks Obama made about manufacturing employment, not economic growth, during the 2016 town hall.
During the town hall event, Obama referenced Trump's promise to woo American companies into manufacturing goods in the U.S. without saying the then-candidate's name. "Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There's no answer to it," Obama said, referring to Trump's campaign rhetoric. "He just says, 'Well, I'm going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And, usually, the answer is he doesn't have an answer." 

ZitatIn another Monday morning tweet, Trump also erroneously said that the U.S. unemployment rate, at 3.9 percent as of last week, had sunk below the GDP growth rate, 4.2 percent in the second quarter, for the first time in 100 years.
Das war übrigens auch Thema im letzten "Presse-Briefing" im Weißen Haus, und selbst der dort vom WH aufgefahrene Referent hat gemeint, Trump hätte bei der Jahreszahl eine 0 angehängt.
ZitatFox News research also reported that there have been 63 quarters since 1948 when the growth rate exceeded the unemployment rate.


Frank Newport, editor-in-chief at the Gallup Poll.
Zitat"It is disturbing to us at AAPOR, and myself, when the president tweets polls and you can't figure out what it's referring to," Newport said. "When reporters follow up at the White House, typically they don't get any response as to what he was referring to."


Zum Obama-Zitat: Video und Transskript hier.

Aber das Bemühen um den Gegenbeweis ist eigentlich Overkill. In der Bringepflicht ist der Präsident.


Heute wird der Opfer von 9/11 gedacht.

Das sieht so aus:

ZitatThere is no moment he can't degrade, no solemnity he can't tarnish
ZitatThe real reason for choosing the Shanksville site was the ability to control the scene and to a certain degree the optics, which would have been impossible in New York City at 9/11 memorial. Trump would've gotten booed and all the king's horses and men couldn't have stopped it.

Die initiale Reaktion von Trump war übrigens damals:
ZitatFlashback: Thousands of people died on 9/11 but Trump's initial reaction was happiness his building was the tallest again

Und selbst das war noch gelogen.


ZitatDonald J. Trump
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Departing Washington, D.C. to attend a Flight 93 September 11th Memorial Service in Shanksville, Pennsylvania with Melania. #NeverForget

Just so everyone knows, this is NOT a photo from today. It is completely overcast and gloomy here.

This is how it really looks in DC this morning.

ZitatThis picture of the Obama White House observing a moment of silence is obviously what Trump's team was trying to emulate. But it's a cloudy day so they posted an old picture. What a bunch of frauds.

5 years ago today, President #Obama led a moment silence on the White House lawn, resulting in this stunning image.

Theatralik ist meistens hohl, aber wenn sie dazu noch stümperhaft ist, dann fühlt sich der eine oder andere erst recht verarscht.


Zitat von: Schwuppdiwupp am 09. September 2018, 09:46:09
Irre ich mich, oder war das nicht schon kurz nach Inaugaridingsbums klar?

Zitat[P]hotographs of the inaugural proceedings were intentionally framed in a way, in one particular tweet, to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall," Spicer said in those first fateful remarks from the briefing room, the day after the inauguration

Das ist das Kennzeichnende dieser Administration. Ich vermute, dass das subjektiv ehrlich gewesen ist. Da ihnen selbst jeder moralische Maßstab fehlt, sind sie auch nicht in der Lage sich vorzustellen, dass es für andere ein Problem wäre, Bilder zu fälschen.


Bilderfälschen gehört sich nicht!


ZitatDonald J. Trump
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.....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!

Jim Acosta:
Fact check: Total BS. This did not happen.
Das wird nicht mehr besser werden. Der ist einfach sowas von ermüdend.


Antwort an @sarahkendzior @nytimes

Trump: "The sky is red."
Random Democrat: "Obviously the sky is blue."
NYT: "Is the sky blue as some Democrats claim?"

We are circling the drain and the circles are getting smaller and faster.


Nach jeder derartigen Meldung denkt man, widerwärtiger geht es nicht mehr.
Und jedes Mal wird man bei der nächsten Meldung eines Besseren belehrt.

Nachdem der Erpel jetzt schon seit einiger Zeit auf Tauchstation ist, würde mich
dennoch interessieren, wie er so etwas schönreden wollen würde.


Zitat von: RainerO am 14. September 2018, 08:24:43
Nach jeder derartigen Meldung denkt man, widerwärtiger geht es nicht mehr.
Und jedes Mal wird man bei der nächsten Meldung eines Besseren belehrt.

Nachdem der Erpel jetzt schon seit einiger Zeit auf Tauchstation ist, würde mich
dennoch interessieren, wie er so etwas schönreden wollen würde.

Da bräuchte er seinen Grips nicht für anstrengen. "Sicher, das war jetzt ein bisschen unüberlegt, aber nachdem die Dems und die Linke und die freche Bürgermeisterin den Präsidenten provoziert haben ...".


ZitatIn one speech yesterday, the president invented nonexistent riots in California and a nonexistent Democratic policy of giving luxury cars to unauthorized immigrants. Afterward, he touted a nonexistent plan to pass a major tax cut in the next 10 days.
Das mit der Steuersenkung für die Mittelklasse ist besonders auffällig: erstens ist es das Eingeständnis, dass die Große Steuersenkung ®  für die Nettoeinnahmen der Mehrheit bedeutet,
Zitat von: ErpelderNacht am 20. Oktober 2018, 14:28:27Außer Spesen nichts gewesen
und zweitens dürfte eine Verabschiedung schon technisch unmöglich werden: der Kongress tritt erst wieder nach 11/6 zusammen.

Zitat"We have had presidents in the past who have lied ... but what we have never had is a President of the United States who uses lying and untruth as a basic method to promote his policies," says @CarlBernstein


Hier, der Bringer für die Wahlen:

ZitatDaniel Dale:
Nobody has presented any evidence that there are people from the Middle East in the migrant caravan.
Toluse Olorunnipa:
"Unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in"...

Earlier on Fox & Friends, a guest mentioned ISIS, the Taliban and other terrorist groups when talking about the threat allegedly posed by the caravan.
Benjy Sarlin:
This is a longstanding theme of border conspiracy theories. "They found prayer rugs!" is a constantly repeated myth


ZitatThe FBI says it was unable to locate any photos of former FBI Director James Comey and special counsel Robert Mueller "hugging and kissing" after President Trump claimed he could provide 100 such images.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 23. Oktober 2018, 20:44:54
ZitatThe FBI says it was unable to locate any photos of former FBI Director James Comey and special counsel Robert Mueller "hugging and kissing" after President Trump claimed he could provide 100 such images.
ZitatJames Comey
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My wife is so relieved.   ;D