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Hilfe für Scharlatanopfer

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Begonnen von Elfenstaub, 01. Dezember 2011, 14:53:15

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ZitatWhich is why I am on the search for support groups, charities and other organisations that exist to help support those who have been taken in by snake oil salesmen. Or have lost relatives, friends or life savings to the false hope promised by quacks, charlatans and pseudo scientists promising salvation. If anyone knows of any please comment below and we at the Twenty-First Floor will work towards creating some form of online resource for the victims of quackery.
2-3 Elfen, luftgetrocknet, mit dem Mörser zerstoßen bis die Konsistenz von Puderzucker erreicht ist: Elfenstaub!

Giftig wie Aspartam, süß wie Dihydroxymonoxid und nicht überdosierbar.