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Victims of religion-based medical neglect

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Begonnen von Conni, 20. November 2009, 11:28:25

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We would like to share with you the stories of some of the children who have died because of religion-based medical neglect. Bear in mind that many others have been disabled or psychologically harmed as a result of this sort of neglect. These particular accounts are well-documented and representative of the problem.

In our view, these children's parents are neither bad people nor morally innocent. We feel their tragically wrong behavior is motivated mainly by fear and confusion.

Religious exemption laws add to the confusion because they are used by certain churches as evidence that the state endorses the withholding of medical care on religious grounds. The parents may not comprehend the risk they are taking with their child's life when they believe that the state endorses their action. The Christian Science church even uses the religious exemption laws as evidence that legislators agree with them that Christian Science can heal all diseases as effectively as medical care.

We believe that these cases show the need to remove religious exemptions from child health care requirements. Surely they illustrate the fact that the state cannot always protect children with court orders. People have many inhibitions about reporting child abuse. Furthermore, many sick children in faith-healing sects are seen only by fellow church members.