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Ein paar "predatory journals" mit Hunden im Beirat

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Begonnen von Daggi, 22. Juli 2018, 23:15:51

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Vor ein paar Tagen war hier schon die Rede von so genannten "Raubjournalen", also Publikationen die sich von den Autoren bezahlen lassen und nicht besonders kritisch bei der Annahme von Artikeln sind. Hier eine Liste von Journalen, die den Pitbull Ollie (getarnt als Dr. Olivia Doll) als Mitglied des editorial boards führen. Es war offenbar kinderleicht ihn da rein zu hieven. Denn Ollie war sehr eifrig:

Dr. Olivia Doll has ample academic credentials on her C.V. She holds a doctorate in Canine Studies from the Subiaco College of Veterinary Science (Dissertation: Canine Responses to Avian Proximity); a master's degree in Early Canine Studies from Shenton Park Institute for Canine Refuge Studies; and a bachelor's degree from the Staffordshire College of Territorial Science. Her research includes such topics as the relationships between Doberman Pinschers and Staffordshire Terriers in domestic environments, the role of domestic canines in promoting optimal mental health in ageing males, the impact of skateboards on canine ambulation, and the benefits of abdominal massage for medium-sized canines. (alles erfunden und nicht nachgecheckt)

? EC Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine, Echronicon Open Access
? Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Care, Herald Scholarly Open Access
? Journal of Tobacco Stimulated Diseases, Peertechz
? Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, SMGroup
? Alzheimer's and Parkinsonism: Research and Therapy, SMGroup
? Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Disorders, Austin Publishing Group
? Global Journal of Addiction and Rehabilitation Medicine (Associate Editor), Juniper Publishers
? Austin Addiction Sciences, Austin Publishing Group


Cathy O'Leary, The Perth Dog That's Probably Smarter than You, Perth Now Sunday Times, May 21, 2017,

Meet Ollie, the Australian Dog Now Peer Reviewing Academic Papers for International Journals, Business Insider Australia, May 30, 2017,

Australian Dog Serves on the Editorial Boards of Seven Medical Journals, Science, May 24, 2017,

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