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Steinzeitdiät / Ernährung

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Begonnen von Dunkelzahn, 12. Juni 2017, 19:12:39

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ZitatThe genes of Europeans reflect the dietary shifts that occurred with the rise of farming, report researchers.

Before the Neolithic revolution, European populations were hunter-gatherers who ate animal-based diets and some seafood. But after the advent of farming in southern Europe around 8,000 years ago, which spread northward thereafter, European farmers switched to primarily plant-heavy diets.

Researchers collected data from more than 25 other studies that examined ancient DNA from fossils and archaeological remains (dating back to 30,000 years ago until about 2,000 years ago), and DNA from contemporary populations.

The study finds that adaptations occurred in an important genomic region that includes three fatty acid desaturase (FADS) genes. Different versions of the same FADS1 gene, called alleles, corresponded to the types of diets that were adopted.