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Wie die Numerologie und Astrologie ein Land ruinierten

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Begonnen von Malekzistantulo, 06. April 2009, 04:53:16

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Ich habe heute diese unglaubliche Geschichte gefunden:

ZitatHowever, this story takes an ugly turn as, when told by his astrologer and numerologist that his lucky number was 9 and that he would live to be 90 if he "surrounded himself" with such auspicious digits, General Ne Win appeared before his country in 1987 and informed them that most of their money was now worthless. New money would be issued... not on the metric scale but rather in 45 and 90 kyat bills - since (for example) 45 is a product of and its digits add up to 9.

Es sieht so aus, als ob das kein Aprilscherz waere.  :o