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YT Video: How Herd Immunity Works

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Begonnen von NuEM, 03. Januar 2011, 12:23:57

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How Herd Immunity Works (and Why Anti-Vaccination Is Dangerous)

This video helped me better understand the concept of herd immunity.


how about the Dengue vaccine in the Philippines. a lot of kids are dying because of it, allegedly


Zitat von: oriol3s am 01. Juni 2018, 11:02:50
how about the Dengue vaccine in the Philippines. a lot of kids are dying because of it, allegedly

That's no argument against vaccination in general.

Deaths of children are of course always tragic, but I wouldn't call three cases linked to the vaccine "a lot", if you refer to reports like these:
The bigger impact this whole story had is that people are discouraged and vaccination rates are dropping, not only for dengue but also for other diseases, which in the end may cause much more deaths.
The big question is why Sanofi didn't notice the adverse effects on the serum-negative subgroups in their trials earlier, I'm sure that is being investigated.


^^ according to this news report there are already 62 deaths of children who received the controversial Dengvaxia vaccine under the government's immunization program.

this is very alarming..


Zitat von: oriol3s am 22. Juni 2018, 12:53:18
62 deaths of children who received the controversial Dengvaxia vaccine under the government's immunization program.

This means that those children received the vaccien and died, the article then goes on to say that the cause of death still has to be determined. Blaming the vaccine for those deaths is premature.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that none of those cases are related to the vaccine, but "List of deaths investigated for possibly being caused by Dengvaxia grows" would have been a more accurate title.