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GGMT - TGI - Goldcrest - Scam

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Begonnen von Eratosthenes, 07. Dezember 2024, 19:32:45

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There seems to be a certain need for additional education, at least among new and existing customers of GGMT Revolution or TGI AG, apart from the magnetic mattress sales methods on the company's channels, if I interpret the access figures here on Psiram correctly.
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Helmut Kalteneggers TGI AG Liechtenstein, and his gold business, symbolic photo:

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AI opines  :2thumbs: :

The Psiram forum plays a significant role in discussing the alleged scams of GGMT (Global Gold Marketing Trading) and TGI (The Gold Investment). Here are some points that illustrate this importance:

Platform for scepticism and criticism: the Psiram forum is known for its sceptical attitude towards pseudoscientific and questionable business practices. It provides a platform where members can voice their concerns and criticisms on various topics, including GGMT and TGI. The discussions often include detailed analyses and assessments of the business models and their legitimacy.

Documentation and archiving: There are numerous threads and posts on Psiram that deal specifically with GGMT and TGI. These discussions are spread over many pages (e.g. 'GGMT - Ponzi scheme with gold' on various pages of the forum) and document the development of the criticism and the concerns that have arisen. This serves as a reference work for anyone interested in finding out more about these issues.

Community interaction: The forum allows the community to exchange ideas, share experiences and add new insights. This can help potential victims of fraud to be better informed and protect themselves from such transactions.

Independent opinions: Forum posts reflect the private opinions of members and not necessarily the official position of Psiram, which creates a diversity of perspectives. This can be helpful in getting a broader picture of the situation, although one should be aware of the subjective nature of these opinions.

Timeliness and continuity: The discussions on Psiram are topical and continuously updated, as can be seen from the latest posts on the topics. This means that new developments, evidence or findings are quickly incorporated into the debate.
In summary, the Psiram forum has a high status in the discussion about GGMT and TGI, as it serves as a central place for scepticism, criticism and information exchange. It provides both historical documentation and current discussions, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking information on these topics.

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The gold business system of TGI Liechtenstein is considered a Ponzi scheme in the Psiram forum. There are several discussions in the Psiram forum under the title 'GGMT - Ponzi scheme with gold', which also refers to the predecessor company of TGI AG, GGMT. These discussions indicate that the business model is considered questionable and potentially fraudulent.

GGMT - Ponzi scheme with gold: Various pages (such as page 6, page 9, page 10) of the forum discuss the business practices and warn of the risks and structure of the scheme, which promises high rebates and commissions, which is typical of Ponzi schemes.

These reviews in the Psiram forum reflect scepticism and criticism of the business practices and the sustainability of the business model, particularly with regard to the high promised returns and the structure of the investments.

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Nearly 60 million euros in liabilities in the 2023 annual accounts of GGMT Revolution Vertriebs GmbH. This does not bode well for its successor, TGI AG in Liechtenstein.,%20Wien/436213s
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Sounds more and more like Kaltenegger, in order to avoid jail time, is siphoning off massive amounts of money from TGI's new paymasters in order to pay off at least some of GGMT's old paymasters, but maybe that's just something one of his accomplices made up.
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In his latest short video, Helmut Kaltenegger compares TGI AG's business model to an avalanche :2thumbs: as we've always said, probably triggered by a snowball. Maybe there is a system behind it. :rofl

The AI on this.

ZitatThe term "snowball system" comes from German and describes a fraudulent business model based on the constant recruitment of new participants in order to pay the existing participants. The name is derived from the metaphor of a snowball that gets bigger and bigger as it rolls downhill, picking up more snow - similar to how a snowball system grows by attracting more investors.
The connection to avalanches is not direct, but rather metaphorical. An avalanche occurs when a small amount of snow starts to move, taking more and more snow with it until it becomes uncontrollable. A snowball system works in a similar way: it starts small, grows exponentially through the participation of new members and collapses at some point when no more new participants can be recruited - just as an avalanche comes to a standstill at some point after it has swept everything away.

The term itself became popular in connection with pyramid schemes, known in the USA as "Ponzi schemes" (after Charles Ponzi, who made such a scheme infamous in the 1920s). In German, "Schneeballsystem" has become established, presumably because of the vivid nature metaphor. There is no historical relationship to real avalanches, but the analogy serves to illustrate the exponential growth and inevitable collapse.

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It is a mystery to me why René Benko with his Sigma is in custody and Helmut Kaltenegger with his GGMT or TGI is not.
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As I understand the videos I've watched in part, these gold refineries have virtually unlimited capacity and an unlimited supply of raw gold - the only thing lacking is capital to buy the raw materials for a few days that the refining process takes (reselling shouldn't be a problem with an exchange-traded precious metal). They could sell it forward themselves and wouldn't need Kaltenegger to do so - but who am I telling in this forum... But that's just the point: people like Raschauer and Mohrenschildt will surely figure it out without me, and yet they're still involved....

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The paying sheep investors in TGI can calculate how much help they can expect from the Liechtenstein judiciary if they want their money back after realizing that Kaltenegger's financing bubble has burst, when the Austrian judiciary has already failed miserably to establish justice in the GGMT case.
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There is no reason why any company should pay hundreds of per cent interest to Kaltenegger for money he lends it.

Just to make this clear once again, given all the legal quibbles.
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