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Begonnen von Tik Tak, 26. Juni 2017, 05:54:13

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Tik Tak

The gosts of the past have cought up. They now decide about live and death. Burning Britain is only the beginning of keeping the heard together and giving it the direction they want you to run to. If you have a doubt why your neighbour has suddenly aquired never ending wealth, over night, then look deeper. Find his family link, see his porsch, because his power will be obvious. Money and the power that comes with it leaves a trail of mistakes that you have to follow and you have to hurry. Time is running out and I know the answers...So rush your questions and start working.


How much is the fish?
Es gibt so viele Dinge im Leben, die wichtiger sind als Geld... aber sie kosten so viel! Groucho Marx


^^^ a dollar 20 for the fish :2thumbs:

Max P

Zitat von: Tik Tak am 26. Juni 2017, 05:54:13
The gosts of the past have cought up. They now decide about live and death. Burning Britain is only the beginning of keeping the heard together and giving it the direction they want you to run to. If you have a doubt why your neighbour has suddenly aquired never ending wealth, over night, then look deeper. Find his family link, see his porsch, because his power will be obvious. Money and the power that comes with it leaves a trail of mistakes that you have to follow and you have to hurry. Time is running out and I know the answers...So rush your questions and start working.
Da wisch ich mir doch meinen Porsch mit ab. 


Ich empfehle diesen Service Studenten. Hilft, wenn Sie Fristen nicht einhalten können


Zitat von: MonicaSchlosser am 03. August 2021, 14:51:16
Ich empfehle diesen Service Studenten. Hilft, wenn Sie Fristen nicht einhalten können

Hast Du diesen Beitrag selbst geschrieben, oder hast Du das auch nicht ohne fremde Hilfe geschafft?  :grins2: