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Begonnen von Peiresc, 13. November 2016, 20:28:34

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Bezüglich Logan Act:
Was sagte denn die damalige Obama-Regierung darüber, dass das Trump-Transitionteam, namentlich der "incoming Security Advisor", aka Flynn, vor der Amtsübernahme mit ausländischen Regierungen Gespräche aufnahm?

"We have no problem with that."

Alles andere wäre auch lebensfremd.


Ich sehe zwischen "Gespräche aufnehmen" und "heimlich gemeinsame Sache zu machen, um die Maßnahmen der amtierenden, legitimen Regierung zu unterlaufen" schon einen kleinen  Unterschied.
Aber vermutlich bin ich nur zu pingelig und lebensfremd...


Fundsache: Neun von 16 Anwälten in Robert Muellers Team spendeten an Hillary Clinton oder die Demokraten.

ZitatRobert Mueller Team: Nine Donated to Hillary or Democrats

At least nine of the lawyers on special prosecutor Robert Mueller's Russia investigation team of 16 attorneys donated to Democrats, with most giving money to either the campaigns of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

Seven other lawyers on the team do not have previous federal campaign donations, a review of FEC records shows, and Mueller himself has served in the administrations of both Republican and Democratic presidents (and was a registered Republican in the past). None of the 16 lawyers on his team is listed as donating money to President Donald Trump's campaign or to the presidential campaigns of any past Republicans, although one donated to two Republicans in non-presidential races in addition to giving more money to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and a string of Democrats.
Neun von sechzehn.
Was sind das überhaupt für Leute in Muellers Team?

Einer von ihnen war ein gewisser Peter Strzok, den Mueller im August feuern musste, als Anti-Trump Textnachrichten von ihm bekannt wurden:

ZitatMueller Removed Top Agent in Russia Inquiry Over Possible Anti-Trump Texts

The agent, Peter Strzok, is considered one of the most experienced and trusted F.B.I. counterintelligence investigators. He helped lead the investigation into whether Hillary Clinton had mishandled classified information on her private email account, and then played a major role in the investigation into links between President Trump's campaign and Russia.
Bei der Clintons Email-Affäre war er also dabei.
Wenn man "Strzok Clinton" googelt, kommt man u.A. auf diesen Artikel:

ZitatThe FBI agent Mueller ousted was behind 2 critical turning points in the Clinton and Trump-Russia investigations

- Strzok was reportedly the official responsible for changing language in former FBI director James Comey's statement describing Clinton's private email server use from "grossly negligent" — which could carry criminal penalties — to "extremely careless."- Strzok was also the FBI agent who officially signed off on the bureau's decision to launch its Russia investigation in July 2016.


Zitat von: ErpelderNacht am 05. Dezember 2017, 17:03:49
Bezüglich Logan Act:
Was sagte denn die damalige Obama-Regierung darüber, dass das Trump-Transitionteam, namentlich der "incoming Security Advisor", aka Flynn, vor der Amtsübernahme mit ausländischen Regierungen Gespräche aufnahm?

"We have no problem with that."

Alles andere wäre auch lebensfremd.
Vielleicht solltest Du den Abramson-Thread einfach mal lesen. Ich habe ihn nur sehr verkürzt referiert. Dann wirst Du erkennen, dass das keinerlei Widerspruch ist. Kleiner Hinweis: achte auf die Posts, wo er die Sache mit "actus reus" und "mens rea" erklärt, etwa ab Post 11.


Zitat von: ErpelderNacht am 05. Dezember 2017, 18:08:20
Fundsache: Neun von 16 Anwälten in Robert Muellers Team spendeten an Hillary Clinton oder die Demokraten.
Also, wenn wer von denen für Trump gespendet hätte, dann wäre der ja wohl erst recht gebiast. Da müsste man wohl schon stahlharter Ideologe mit dickem moralischen Fell (oder Donor, der die Abschaffung seiner eigenen Steuern will) sein.

Zitat von: ErpelderNacht am 05. Dezember 2017, 18:08:20
Einer von ihnen war ein gewisser Peter Strzok, den Mueller im August feuern musste, als Anti-Trump Textnachrichten von ihm bekannt wurden:
Dass Fox & Co. über den ganz begeistert sind, ist klar. Was mir aber in der ganzen Aufregung ein wenig fehlt, ist: keiner kann die ,,Anti-Trump-Äußerungen" von Strzok zitieren; nicht diese Äußerungen sind ½ Jahr nach dem Ereignis bekannt geworden, sondern nur die Tatsache, dass er das Mueller-Team verlassen hat. Vermutlich waren sie ganz harmlos, und die Entlassung war eine – völlig berechtigte, wie man sieht – Vorsichtsmaßnahme.

Zitat- Strzok was reportedly the official responsible for changing language in former FBI director James Comey's statement describing Clinton's private email server use from "grossly negligent" — which could carry criminal penalties — to "extremely careless."
Es gibt keinerlei Grund anzunehmen, dass diese Redaktion unangemessen gewesen ist; jedenfalls wird keiner berichtet. Doch halt, einen einzigen, und der wiegt allerdings alles auf: man will die Mueller-Untersuchung loswerden.


Und in vorauseilendem Gehorsam poste ich noch einen Kommentar zur Verschwendung von Steuergeldern für Mueller:


Mehr Interessantes über Strzok:

ZitatReport: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Peter Strzok, the demoted FBI agent, personally interviewed the main players in both the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server and Mueller's investigation of alleged Trump-Russia ties. However, when two of the witnesses in the Clinton case lied to FBI investigators, the outcome was much different from when a key witness in the Trump-Russia investigation lied.In the Clinton case, the Daily Caller reported that FBI documents show Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills told investigators they were not aware of Clinton's email server until after Clinton left the State Department. However, released emails show Abedin and Mills discussing the server long before Clinton left the State Department. The two were both interviewed by Strzok and never faced criminal prosecution.On the other hand, Michael Flynn, Trump's first national security adviser, was charged with lying to the FBI last week for dishonest statements he gave in an interview with the FBI on Jan. 24. Strzok was the agent who interviewed him, journalist Sara Carter reported Monday.

Dazu die Information, dass er in Comeys Bericht einen Absatz entschärfte, der so Clinton entlastete....das nährt den Eindruck, es hier mit einem politischen Aktivisten statt mit einem neutralen Ermittler zu tun zu haben.

Dann noch die anderen neun von 16 Ermittlern, die an die Demokraten spendeten....auch politische Aktivisten?


Zitatlying to FBI
Der sehr ausführliche WP-Artikel berichtet davon kein Wort, soweit ich das durch Überfliegen feststellen kann. Ich habe diese Geschichten nicht so im Detail verfolgt (warum auch), aber deine Quelle stinkt. Das haben die einfach erfunden, meine ich.
ZitatTheBlaze is an American conservative multiplatform news and entertainment network available on television, radio, and the Internet founded by talk radio personality and entrepreneur Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck?
Zitat"Satans geistig behinderter junger Bruder" [Stephen King]

"Ein wahnsinnig gewordener Fanatiker" [Der Tagesspiegel]


Natürlich muss man Quellenkritik betreiben. 
Das Schöne an dem Artikel ist ja, dass er es gut erklärt und Belege als Links liefer.
Dass da eine Beziehung zu Glenn Beck besteht, wusste ich nicht, dann hätte ich eine andere Quelle gesucht.
Zum Beispiel der dailymail, der hat einen ähnlichen Artikel mit den gleichen Punkten:
ZitatThe FBI's Forrest Gump: Agent fired from Mueller probe for sending anti-Trump texts to his lover interviewed Mike Flynn before his guilty plea AND Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills before Hillary was cleared
The FBI agent who was dismissed from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe for sending his lover anti-Trump text messages is turning into a Forrest Gump character who figured in a number of key moments in the Bureau's recent history.
Was für ein Vergleich. 

ZitatHe was already known to be the agent who who edited then-Director James Comey's reprimand of Hillary Clinton for using an unsecured private email server for classified messages.  
Strzok, among the top officials investigating Clinton, changed Comey's description of her conduct from 'grossly negligent' – language that mirrors the criminal code – to the softer words 'extremely careless.'
Now it can be revealed that Strzok was also part of the team that quizzed disgraced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn before he pleaded guilty to lying during that interview. 
And he participated in the FBI's sit-down interviews with two Clinton insiders linked to her email scandal, both of whom got a free pass despite making statements to agents that were later challenged by other records.
Das sind die Punkte, die ich schon aus The Blaze brachte. 

ZitatThe email probe included question-and-answer sessions with several senior Clinton aides including lawyer Cheryl Mills and chief of staff Huma Abedin.
And when those two friends-of-Hillary sat down for their third-degree sessions, Strzok – the partisan anti-Trump agent – was asking many of the questions.
"the partisan Anti-Trump agent" - die haben es auch bemerkt. 

ZitatMills and Abedin both denied knowing of Clinton's unorthodox email server setup, according to summaries of their interviews that the Bureau released last year. 
'Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private server until after Clinton's [State Department] tenure. Mills stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time,' one agent's interview notes read.
And Abedin told agents, they wrote, that she 'did not know that Clinton had a private server until about a year and a half ago when it became public knowledge.'
But in emails released by State, Mills and Abedin both referred to Clinton's server specifically, The Daily Caller reported Monday.
The Daily Caller - was steht da denn?

ZitatTop Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements To FBI

The FBI agent who was fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation team for sending anti-Donald Trump text messages conducted the interviews with two Hillary Clinton aides accused of giving false statements about what they knew of the former secretary of state's private email server.Neither of the Clinton associates, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, faced legal consequences for their misleading statements, which they made in interviews last year with former FBI section chief Peter Strzok.


Die Aktionen der Trumplinge, Mueller abzuschießen, sind natürlich tödlich ernst gemeint.
Der Ausgang ist keineswegs gewiss.

Nur wäre es völlig verfehlt, etwa zu vermuten, dass es ihnen um die Objektivität der Untersuchung geht. Im Gegenteil, genau diese motiviert sie. Die Entlassung eines Mitarbeiters, der den Eindruck der Voreingenommenheit erwecken könnte (nicht auf öffentlichen Druck, und vor längerer Zeit), wäre für jeden unbefangenen Beobachter ein Beleg für Seriosität. Man überlege sich nur mal, was abgehen würde, wenn Mueller ein öffentliches Auftreten wie seinerzeit Kenneth Starr hätte.

Es wäre naiv, den Republikanern im Kongress irgendwelche Skrupel oder irgendwelche langfristigen, übergeordneten Gesichtspunkte zu unterstellen. Ihr einziger Maßstab des Handelns ist, was gerade irgendwie noch geht. Schließlich haben sie auch kein Problem damit, Kinderschänder in ihren Reihen zu begrüßen, wenn es ihrer Agenda zupass kommt.


Zitat von: ErpelderNacht am 06. Dezember 2017, 07:30:39
The Daily Caller - was steht da denn?

Das ist doch ganz einfach herauszufinden:
Zitat von: WPAccording to a study by Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, The Daily Caller was among the most popular sites on the right during the 2016 presidential election. The study also found that The Daily Caller provided "amplification and legitimation" for "the most extreme conspiracy sites", such as Truthfeed, Infowars, Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse during the 2016 presidential election.[35][36][37] The Daily Caller also "employed anti-immigrant narratives that echoed sentiments from the alt-right and white nationalists but without the explicitly racist and pro-segregation language."[36] The Daily Caller also played a significant role in creating and disseminating stories that had little purchase outside the right-wing media ecosystem but that stoked the belief among core Trump followers that what Clinton did was not merely questionable but criminal and treasonous. In a campaign that expressed deep anti-Muslim sentiment, a repeated theme was that Hillary Clinton was seriously in hock to Muslim nations.[36] In one of its most frequently shared stories, The Daily Caller falsely asserted that Morocco's King Mohammed VI flew Bill Clinton on a private jet, and that this had been omitted from the Clinton Foundation's tax disclosures.[36] The Daily Caller also made the "utterly unsubstantiated and unsourced claim" that Hillary Clinton got Environmental Protection Agency "head Lisa Jackson to try to shut down Mosaic Fertilizer, described as America's largest phosphate mining company, in exchange for a $15 million donation to the Clinton Foundation from King Mohammed VI of Morocco, ostensibly to benefit Morocco's state-owned phosphate company."[36]


Und noch zum Klein-Klein dieser Geschichte:
ZitatIf all Strzok did, however, was privately express his personal political views, and he otherwise properly conducted himself in the context of his official duties, has he done anything wrong? The short answer is no.
So what about Strzok's involvement in the two investigations, and his specific actions that are now being called into question? Let's review what he did.
The bottom line: Civil servants are permitted by law to have personal political opinions, and, with due respect, the calls by Hewitt and others for a special counsel appear detached from reality.


Der Washington Examiner ist ja nun wirklich nicht das Leib- und Magenblatt der Resistance, um das mit größtmöglicher Zurückhaltung zu formulieren. Hier aber konnten sie der Pikanterie einfach nicht widerstehen:
ZitatBREAKING: Washington Examiner: Divorce records obtained by @dcexaminer show that Roy Moore first started dating his current wife Kayla before she had even filed for divorce from her first husband, John Charles Heald.

Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore arrives at the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery on Nov. 12, 2003, to stand trial on an ethics charge that he failed to follow a federal court order when he refused to remove his Ten Commandments monument from public view in the building. (AP Photo)

Er ist nicht nur ein Fanatiker, sondern auch noch ein Kasper.


Elijah Cummings schreibt an Trey Gowdy.

ZitatOur Committee has credible allegations that President Trump's National Security Advisor sought to manipulate the course of international nuclear policy for the financial gain of his former business partners. These grave allegations compel a full, credible, and bipartisan congressional investigation.

Zitat von: ErpelderNacht am 04. Dezember 2017, 21:20:46Bericht über die Flynn-Sache mit ein paar interessanten Einzelheiten.


Zitat von: Peiresc am 29. November 2017, 20:13:50Bernie Sanders gibt eine Prognose ab, die IMHO eine gewisse Wahrscheinlichkeit hat:
ZitatIt is without doubt that as soon as this tax legislation is passed, Republicans will rediscover their religion about the deficit and say we need "entitlement reform."

What "entitlement reform" actually means is massive cuts to Social Security at a time when millions of older workers have nothing in the bank for their retirement.

Die republikanische Kongressmaschine läuft präzise wie ein Uhrwerk - it's a fine tuned machine:
ZitatHouse Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that congressional Republicans will aim next year to reduce spending on both federal health care and anti-poverty programs, citing the need to reduce America's deficit.

"We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit," Ryan said during an appearance on Ross Kaminsky's talk radio show. "... Frankly, it's the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care entitlements -- because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking."

Aber wie konnte Bernie nur so total daneben liegen. 1) die Steuerreform ist noch gar nicht durch, sondern erst nur beinahe, 2) die Renten sind noch nicht im Fadenkreuz:
Zitat(Ryan also suggested congressional Republicans were unlikely to try changing Social Security, because the rules of the Senate forbid changes to the program through reconciliation -- the procedure the Senate can use to pass legislation with only 50 votes.)