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Ferguson, Missouri

Postings reflect the private opinion of posters and are not official positions of Psiram - Foreneinträge sind private Meinungen der Forenmitglieder und entsprechen nicht unbedingt der Auffassung von Psiram

Begonnen von F. A. Mesmer, 22. August 2014, 09:57:58

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F. A. Mesmer

ausgesprochen demokratische und bürgernahe Konfliktbewältigungsstrategie.
Stimmbruchstimme aus dem OFF: Niemand hat die Absicht...

ZitatA Former Marine Explains All the Weapons of War Being Used by Police in Ferguson

There's at least one line every Marine knows: "Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot." The St. Louis County Police Department apparently never received that memo.

und Kosmetik gibts auch:
"I will fucking kill you": Polizist in Ferguson nach Drohung suspendiert

Ein Polizist ist in der US-Stadt Ferguson suspendiert worden, nachdem er friedliche Demonstranten beschimpft und mit seinem Sturmgewehr bedroht hatte. Über soziale Netzwerke verbreitete sich ein Video des Vorfalls viral.

F. A. Mesmer

Klarer Fall von Selbstmord. Raffiniert, diese gefesselten Schwarzen.

ZitatCoroner says man fatally shot himself in the chest while handcuffed behind his back
Published time: August 26, 2014 16:53

​The release of an autopsy report in Louisiana is raising new questions about the unusual shooting death of a 22-year-old black male who died earlier this year in a police car while his hands were cuffed behind his back.

RT reported earlier this year that police in Iberia Parish, LA said Victor White III died in early March after he fatally shot himself while handcuffed in the back of a squad car. White had reportedly been apprehended for possession of drugs, and was searched no fewer than two times before being cuffed and placed in the backseat of a police vehicle. According to the police report from the time, White uncovered a gun while in the car and shot himself in the back.