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Milch und Autismus

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Begonnen von Detritus, 21. Januar 2011, 18:59:49

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ZitatGot Autism? Learn About the Link Between Dairy Products and the Disease

Autism is a brain disorder that causes sufferers to have extreme difficulty communicating and relating to others. It is often marked by anti-social behavior like screaming and obsessive repetition of actions, which takes an enormous emotional toll on sufferers and their families. PETA has created a billboard to alert the public to the connection between this devastating disease and dairy-product consumption.

More research is needed, but scientific studies have shown that many autistic kids improve dramatically when put on a diet free of dairy foods. One study of 20 children found a major reduction in autistic behavior in kids who were put on a casein-free diet (casein is a component of cow's milk). And another study done by researchers at the University of Rome showed a "marked improvement" in the behavior of autistic children who were taken off dairy products.

The reason why dairy foods may worsen or even cause autism is being debated. Some suspect that casein harms the brain, while others suggest that the gastrointestinal problems so often caused by dairy products cause distress and thus worsen behavior in autistic children.

Regardless of the cause, testimonials show that many people with this disease may be able to find relief with a simple dietary change—removing milk from their diet. The Internet contains numerous heart-wrenching stories from parents of kids who had suffered the worst effects of autism for years before dairy foods were eliminated from their children's diets. Here is one mother's story:

ZitatThen I realized that Miles' ear infections had begun when he was 11 months old, just after we had switched him from soy formula to cow's milk. He'd been on soy formula because my family was prone to allergies, and I'd read that soy might be better for him. I had breast-fed until he was 3 months old, but he didn't tolerate breast milk very well—possibly because I was drinking lots of milk. There was nothing to lose, so I decided to eliminate all the dairy products from his diet. What happened next was nothing short of miraculous. Miles stopped screaming, he didn't spend as much time repeating actions, and by the end of the first week, he pulled on my hand when he wanted to go downstairs. For the first time in months, he let his sister hold his hands to sing "Ring Around a Rosy."

It isn't surprising that dairy products may worsen this disease, considering that milk has already been strongly linked to cancer, Crohn's disease, and other serious health problems. Anyone who wants to alleviate or avoid the devastating effects of autism should give cow's milk the boot and switch to healthy vegan alternatives instead. To learn more about a diet free of dairy products, order our free "Vegetarian Starter Kit" today.



de Bunker

Das basteln die sich nett zusammen:
Zitatwhile others suggest that the gastrointestinal problems so often caused by dairy products cause distress and thus worsen behavior in autistic children.

Also is' doch klaaa, wer laktoseintolerant ist und Milch trinkt, kriegt Autismus... oder so.

Zwar verbreitet sich auch in Nordeuropa allmählich die Kenntnis darüber, daß längst nicht jeder Erwachsene noch problemlos Milch verträgt, aber ob in China ein Sack Reis fällt - wat wissen die Leute hier, was die Chinesen essen, außer Haifischlossen, Hunde und Katzen.

Ich find das zum Kotzen - früher mußte ich mir Milch reinwürgen (okay, meist für so ca 5 Sekunden....), weil es hieß, Milch ist ja soooo gesund und stell dich nicht an. Heute wollen mich also irgendwelche Vollpfosten zum Autisten machen.


Zitat von: de Bunker am 21. Januar 2011, 23:08:36
Also is' doch klaaa, wer laktoseintolerant ist und Milch trinkt, kriegt Autismus... oder so.

Naa, der kriegt PeTA. Plötzlich eintretender Tumor am Arsch.


Aktueller Artikel zu PETA, Milch und Autismus:

ZitatPETA have released online advertisements using two discredited studies to link autism to dairy consumption.

Unusually for PETA, the ad admits to a certain element of doubt. "More research is needed, but scientific studies have shown that many autistic kids improve dramatically when put on a diet free of dairy foods". However, that is as far as the uncertainty goes. They patch up the limited studies with anecdotal accounts of anonymous parents whose children supposedly got better after being taken off milk products.

What PETA do not admit is that this further research has already been done and it shows that for all the reasons to give up dairy, a connection to autism is not one of them.


The best thing about science is that it works - even if you don't believe in it.


Als ob die MMS-idioten die sich im Moment auf Autisten einschiessen nicht reichen würden. 
Don't try to argue with idiots, first they tear you down to their level, then they beat you with their experience.