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Postings reflect the private opinion of posters and are not official positions of Psiram - Foreneinträge sind private Meinungen der Forenmitglieder und entsprechen nicht unbedingt der Auffassung von Psiram

Begonnen von Gandalf, 07. November 2010, 16:20:20

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wer Katzen so liebt wie ich, clickt hier:

und stimmt für dieses Projekt. Ist von einer amerikanischen Freundin von uns.


You can vote every day for this idea. And that is what we wish you will do. Please help us win the grant. We need all your votes, every day. Thank you!


Thank you so much for voting for us to get the grant for the cat enclosure. Our idea is now ranked at #5 in the $5k category. It is incredible to me that we are getting so many votes. Please continue, and we may be able to hold onto the high ranking!


Today and tomorrow are the last days to vote. We are in 4th place now, but we could still lose if others get more votes near the end. Please vote again if you can.

Thanks, and traurig, kann ich Deutsch nicht sprechen.