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Native american humour

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Begonnen von uther, 15. November 2011, 19:14:30

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ZitatCoyote was standing by the river bank. A Nuager walked up to the river and wondered how to cross.

"Don't worry," said Coyote. "You make your own reality. Just cross and you won't even get wet."

The Nuager started across. He wondered why he felt wetness. He tried making his legs, his shoes and socks, and his crotch dry just by making his own reality and wishing real, real hard. But his shoes still squished, and his genitals still shrunk in the cold water.

Then fell in a deep spot in the water. He was over his head in the water. The foolish Nuager, who could not swim, said to himself, "I will make my own reality and just breathe in nothing but air and no water. Just wait and see."

But he took in a deep swallow of water instead. Instantly he panicked, clawing towards the air. He barely made it to shore, still choking on water and half drowned.

"Didn't you tell me I made my own reality!?" he yelled at Coyote.

"For you, the reality is you are naive in believing anything you are told," said Coyote.

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Belbo zwei


Schön, auch wenns nicht ganz "traditionell" ist. ;D

ZitatNo, that's not a traditional story either. That's just my hastily made up one. But the stories are often like that.
Here's an actual traditional story.



If you have high cheekbones you must be native american


As far as I know almost all native americans were killed by the anglosaxon immigrants. Thus there shouldn't exist a native american houmor anymore. Or what's your concept of native american?