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GGMT, Aulicio, Guyana, Gold, Ponzi, Scam ?

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Begonnen von Guthrie, 15. April 2020, 06:18:13

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Some questions:

1. how many mining groups are now working for the Aulicio?
2. how much gold have these groups been proven to have mined so far, how much gold do they mine on average?
3. how much money has the Aulicio received from the GGMT so far?
4. how much money has the GGMT received so far
- from the Aulicio?
- From investors?
5. how much money has GGMT spent so far?
- To the Aulicio
- In commissions for salespeople?
- Cost of goods sold?
- To investors?
6. what are the liabilities arising from the promises of GGMT for the next 2,5,10 years
(discounts, gold rights, Worldpool and all other promises?) that the Aulicio has to dig up?