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"Set science free!"

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Begonnen von sweeper, 31. März 2014, 22:23:35

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Klingt ja dramatisch:

ZitatWhat's this about?

On April 2, 2013, finalized their decision to segregate Rupert Sheldrake, PhD's TEDx Talk, "The Science Delusion" from their main database of searchable talks. Sheldrake's talk focused on scientific dogma and other assumptions in science, including the theory of materialism (the view that all reality is reducible to physical matter including mind, will, humor, emotions, and memory). Read more about materialism...

... TED's 'Anonymous Scientific Board' does not represent science or rationality. It represents dogmatic materialism, which is only one way of looking at the scientific facts. In the scientific world, organisations and journals publish the names of their scientific editorial or advisory boards. Another important point is that peer review is by peers - qualified people in the field. So papers by chemists are reviewed by chemists, not psychologists or journalists. The TED "Scientific Board" should either be named, as the guarantors of an anonymous peer-review system, or they should be peers of people they review - knowledgeable about the work they are reviewing. Neither are true of the anonymous TED Scientific Board that justified or validated TED's decision to remove Sheldrake's talk from their main web site. The board has no credibility or validation - for example there is no way of knowing if they are Sheldrake's peers, with any knowledge of the subjects he was speaking about.

Daher eine Petition:

Reinstate Rupert Sheldrake PhD's TEDx Talk and reveal your anonymous scientific board

Ach so: Harald Walach verbreitet das auch in seinem Blog:
Zitat...Nun passierte aber etwas Interessantes: ein Journalist, Paul Revis, der die Sache recherchiert hatte, war so erbost, dass er eine eigene Kampagne startete: www.SetScienceFree.Org. Dort können Wissenschaftler – nur Ärzte (MDs) und andere Doktoren (PhDs) – dafür eintreten, dass solche Zensur, die dem Mittelalter angehört, endlich aufhört, und dass die verantwortlichen Herausgeber, Gutachter und sonstige Würdenträger des Wissenschaftsgeschäft nicht Wissenschaft mit Materialismus gleichsetzen bzw. zwischen Wissenschaft als Methode und Wissenschaft als Weltanschauung unterscheiden
With magic, you start with a frog and end up with a prince.
With science, you start with a frog, get a PhD and are still left with the frog you started with...

Terry Pratchett


Ein Interview mit dem Begründer der Initiative:
ZitatWhat motivated you to organize this protest?

I felt TED was disrespectful to the scientific community and the spirit of science itself. I have also become weary of having to defend my own personal views against irrational arguments. Many times, I have noticed people, including scientists and academics dismissing research without even having looked at it. This is troublesome and needs to be confronted.

Craig Weiler schreibt auch Psi Wars: TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet

Inhaltlich gehört das dann wohl zu
With magic, you start with a frog and end up with a prince.
With science, you start with a frog, get a PhD and are still left with the frog you started with...

Terry Pratchett


ZitatRupert konnte daraufhin nur mit dem Veranstalter der TED-Talks sprechen, allerdings nicht mit dem Gremium an Wissenschaftlern, da ihre Identitäten geheimgehalten werden müssen.
Rupert hat einen öffentlichen Brief verfasst, in dem er auf alle an ihn gerichteten Anschuldigungen detailiert eingeht, da er keine Möglichkeit hat das geheime Gremium anonymer Wissenschaftler direkt zu adressieren.
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