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Skyway Capital Scam

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Begonnen von Belbo, 18. August 2018, 11:49:11

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Zitat von: celsus am 26. November 2019, 16:31:56
Müssen jetzt die Regulierungs- und Aufsichtsbehörden all ihre Warnungen umschreiben?

Wahrscheinlich zumindest den Anteil anpassen, der sich mit SWIG / NEEW beschäftigt, Skyway Capital, ist ja wieder ein anderes Steinchen im Betrugsnetzwerk von Unitsky & Co.

Probably at least adjust the share that deals with SWIG / NEEW, Skyway Capital, is another little stone in the fraud network of Unitsky & Co.



Skyway is a BIG FAT SCAM for sure. On their website they advertise saying "Global Transport Investments owns the intellectual property of Skyway, which is valued at $400,867,433,000 on the basis of which the shares of the company (1 share - $ 1) are issued." Now the value of a single patent is shown to be above $400 billion which makes it larger that Microsoft. Umm that doesn't sound right, does it? Oh and Skyway also mentions on their website that "An investor receives share in ERSSH III through SWI Inc. and becomes co-owner of the SkyWay technology." ERSSH III and SWI Inc are both not registered in India nor are they recognzsed by SEBI etc. and are still soliciting their shares for sale in India. By the way, these were claims were recently updated on their website and show the mode of operation adopted for scamming common people from developing countries.


I occasionally watch some of the recruiting cult like videos shared social media (from the likes of the high ups Andrew etc) feeling contemptuous (and at times just sniggering at the preposterous nature of claims), but in some way knowing they themselves could also be idiotic duped victims, who believe it's a legitimate way of earning, is somewhat more comforting than thinking they are paid employees of Skyway and who know there is no projects and know they are actively deceiving other people.