Psiram Forum

Deutsch => Allgemeine Diskussionen => Smalltalk => Thema gestartet von: cohen am 07. Juli 2010, 20:05:46

Titel: PETA und der Touchdown-Jesus
Beitrag von: cohen am 07. Juli 2010, 20:05:46
ZitatFirst a Monroe, Ohio church's famous six-story Jesus statue is immolated by a lightening strike. Now, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants to rebuild it -- with a twist.

PETA is offering to redesign the pose and include a Bible inscription, "Blessed are the Merciful" with the added touch: "Go Vegan," says a story in the Dayton Daily News.

ZitatThe Rev. Darlene Bishop said it was a nice gesture, but the church won't take PETA up on the offer.

"We're not interested. We raise cattle. We never build a statue with stipulations that we would have to advertise for PETA," she said.

(Gerade erst in den Blogkommentaren gefunden.) Irre!

Titel: Re: PETA und der Touchdown-Jesus
Beitrag von: heterodyne am 07. Juli 2010, 20:59:15
Wow. PETA sind wirklich ganz eigen abgefahren.
Ich sehe schon vor mir, alle Sponsoren von Kirchenrenovierungen wollen ihr Transparent außen, natürlich gut lesbar angebracht :-D Am Kölner dom könnetn sie es schön von Spitze zu Spitze spannen *rofl*
Titel: Re: PETA und der Touchdown-Jesus
Beitrag von: 71hAhmed am 07. Juli 2010, 23:48:26
Guter Versuch der Werbung, nur vielleicht an der falschen Stelle als "Dauerwerbesendung". Obwohl, Publicity haben sie ja so oder so, dank der Zeitungsberichte. Hoffentlich macht das KEINE Schule
Imagine the National Rifle Association -- packed with prosperous Christians and quite interested in getting it's message out -- outbidding PETA on this. The NRA could have Jesus cradling a assault rifle although I suppose they'd have to look for a Bible quote since "Turn the Other Cheek," won't work.