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Markus Kompa liest Gedanken

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Begonnen von celsus, 28. Dezember 2012, 22:28:54

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Heute Nacht auf dem 29C3 in Hamburg, Kongresszentrum, Saal 4

ZitatMarkus Kompa tells the true story of the mysterious mindreader 'Erik Jan Hanussen' (1889-1933) and offers to copy Hanussen's experiments with participation of the audience. A biography of Hanussen by Kompa was used by screenwriters of the German movie "Hotel Lux" to design a Hanussen-style character. Kompa is a well known magician and expert in deception – and maybe gifted, maybe not.


The best thing about science is that it works - even if you don't believe in it.



ZitatDownload sollte demnächst folgen
^^Der ist doch schon seit Tagen oben, fenkt.

Das gute alte Zettellesen hat Kompa recht schick 'rübergebracht...
ne schöne jrooß, gesine2